Showing posts with label classroom set-up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classroom set-up. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Together Teacher Chapter 10 - Arranging Your Classroom to Run Like Clockwork

It is time for another chapter of "The Together Teacher" in our book study. Today it is time for chapter 10 which is all about taming your email.  Our hostess this week is Ellie from Middle School Math Moments .

Middle School Math Moments

If you have missed my previous posts from this book study you can find them below:

                                                                             Chapter 9  
                                                                             Chapter 8
      Chapter 7
                                                                             Chapter 6
                                                                             Chapter 5
                                                                             Chapter 4
                                                                             Chapter 3
                                                                             Chapter 2

                                                                             Chapter 1

We have all had those days when the bell rings at the end of the day, we smile at our students as we say goodbye, only to turn around to notice that our classroom looks as if a tornado has hit it!

This chapter helps us to organize all the stuff (and boy do us teachers have a ton of STUFF!) that is in our classroom for both us and our students. Maia describes various stations that can be set up around your room no matter the size of your classroom.

A few of these stations include:

Teaching Station

This is your home base where you keep all of your teaching materials for the day.  It should contain all the days handouts, supplies, etc, that you will need throughout the day.  

The Entry Way

Much like at your home where you might keep your car keys, purse, etc. this should be a place where your students can start off either picking up supplies for the day or dropping off items such as homework or notes.  Now that I teach elementary, I don't really have this set-up because my students enter the room at the same time and it would just be a mess.  However, when I taught 7th grade math, I kept my Do Now sheet at the door for the students to grab as they came in.  This made the transition to getting started seamless.

In this section, Maia mentions student mailboxes as a place where you can distribute papers to individual students.  When I taught 7th grade math, I used milk crates with hanging folders in them for this purpose (each period had their own crate).  I still use this system in my elementary class.

Having a Well Stocked Pantry

Well, not really a pantry, but you want to have all of your "ingredients" on hand as you teach.  No more searching for a dry erase marker or hunting down dice for a math game.  Have your supplies ready to go and easy to find so you don't waste time looking for them.  I keep my supplies in buckets on an easy to get to shelf.

I also keep my teaching books and small group work supplies behind my desk where I do most of my small group teaching.

Classroom Calendar

Students love knowing what day it is and what to expect.  I keep a calendar where they can see all of our upcoming assemblies, important days, birthdays etc.

Classroom Library

Students are encouraged to read when they can find books that interest them.  Maia suggests organizing your books either by level or by genre so students can find them easily.

Cleaning Supplies

Let's face it, learning is messy and sometimes you just don't have time to wait for the janitor.  Maia suggests stocking up on a few cleaning supplies for those occasions when you need to do a little tidying up.

A few of her suggestions:

*Paper towels
* Regular cleaning towels that can be laundered
*Clorox wipes
*Dry-erase board cleaner
*anti-bacterial spray

What things do you do to keep your classroom in order?  If you are following along link up below.  And don't forget to visit our hostess, Nicole of Southern Love of Teaching for chapter 11 next week. 


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Classroom Digs - A Tour of My Classroom

 I am super behind on this week's blog hoppin'!  We officially started back at work on Tuesday, and my family and I went to a baseball game at night and didn't get home until 11 - and then Wednesday was training all day and dinner with the hubby - so I have been too exhausted to blog.  Too exhausted and the kiddos haven't even arrived yet!  Yikes!  Anyway, catching up now with my classroom tour!


This is the view from my door:

On the other side of the room are my student's book boxes for Daily 5.

The other wall has our Daily 5 Wall and CRAFT wall.  I will be adding I Charts underneath each section as I introduce them.

A closer look at the CRAFT board.  Whenever another teacher comes in my room, I always get asked about where I got this, so I will let you know that I got it from Ladybug's Teaching Files. 

Here is my doorway with the hand signals we use in class.  I used these last year and love them!  Students can ask me if they need to go to the bathroom, sharpen a pencil, etc. just by raising their hands.  I can nod at them without interrupting work with other students.  I got these from Clutter-Free Classroom here.

This is my Independent Math Station.  We use Accelerated Math at our school, so I made this file box to put the student's work in for them to grab.  They scan their work to grade, and then put completed work in that file for me to check later. I might also add skill sheets for extra practice as needed.

This is my favorite area of the classroom, the library.  I love the chairs - they are super comfy, I almost want to keep one for myself!  I got them at Wal-Mart.

In the background you can see my Power Pix wall for Language Arts for Whole Brain Teaching.

A close up of the Read sign. I painted the canvases this summer and am super proud of them!

Speaking of PowerPix, This is my Math side which is next to our daily schedule and underneath our 7 habits signs.

Close up of our 7 habits posters and our Whole Brain Teaching 5 Rules posters.
And finally my Smart Board!  I didn't get a Smart Board until late last year, so I am excited to start out the year with this one!

I have added a bit to my classroom decorations since I took these pictures because I got a special package in the mail that I wasn't expecting.

It was from my Super Sweet Blogger Exchange Partner Amy! Amy  blogs at The Teacher Next Door.  She had already sent me some goodies that I posted about here. It was an awesome surprise because I was feeling a little Blech yesterday and this package made my day!  I love how supportive the teaching Blogger community is! Both of the posters she sent are hanging outside my door- I just need to take a picture of them.
The Teacher Next Door

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Made It

When I was a little girl, I carried around a Snoopy doll everywhere I went.  I might have even said that I was going to marry Snoopy.  So you could imagine my reaction when I saw the Peanuts line from Really Good Stuff.

Yes, I screamed and shouted really loud and asked hubby if he minded me changing my theme again this year.  He agreed and I ordered tons a few of the things they had.

But... I have a few classroom items that I use that I wanted to match, so for today's Monday Made It I wanted to show a few of the things I have been working on.  I haven't printed anything out or hung them up yet, but I have finished a few things on the computer.

The first thing I made were schedule cards.  My kiddos are constantly asking, "What time is recess?  What special do we have?" With schedule cards I can just direct their attention to the board.  They have to solve the elapsed time on their own!

I also use Whole Brain Teaching in my classroom, so I made the 5 rules Snoopy style as well.  Here are two of them:

They came out pretty stinkin' cute in my humble opinion!
I have also been hard at work on my place value unit for the beginning of the year.  It will be available at both TpT and Teachers Notebook when I finally finish it!
It has I Can Statements
Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards
Lesson Plans
And Assessments
I will let you know when I finish it... It is a monster of a project.  Also, don't forget to enter my contest to win a TpT gift certificate and other great prizes!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Week and a Peek into my Classroom

Well.... I did it!  I survived the first week of school, along with a trip to the DMV for my 16 year old (third child) to get his driver's permit,

 football camp at UNR (University of Nevada, Reno),

 football practices (two teams) and our first football games of the season (sadly both teams lost).

Despite the fact that I feel like a walking zombie - it has been a great week and I think I am going to LOVE third grade!

Here is a peek into my room the day before school started:

The view from the door

Another view from the door

My desk
Daily 5 wall and part of library

 Whole Brain Teaching Rules

Classroom Hand Signals

Word Wall

Student Book Boxes for Daily 5
Daily Schedule and Calendar
Cubbies and Clock

I am linking up with Swimming Into Second 

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