Saturday, July 28, 2012

My New Classroom - The Before Shot

I got to go into my new classroom on Friday.  This is what it looked like when I came in.  If I had been smart, (and didn't have three of my boys in tow) I might have taken pictures of all angles, but I didn't.  It is much bigger than my old classroom, and I actually have 4 walls instead of a slider thing. 

When I first arrived all of the tables (all tables, no desks in this room) were up against the wall.  I managed to move the tables out and got the computers hooked up before my boys decided that they had enough fun in the classroom.

I love the idea of the tables (no missing work shoved in desks), but I'm not 100% sure how to set them up.  Right now I have three groups of two rectangle tables put together.  I'm not sure if I will keep it that way or not.... Decisions, decisions.

I would love any input or suggestions on the table situation (storage ideas for supplies as well - :) please and thank you!).

Also, since this is the first time that I will have my boys in my classroom before and after school, I would also love any suggestions for keeping them busy while I work.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thank you! Another Blog Award

Many thanks to Dee at Mrs. B's Nook for this lovely blog award!
Also, thank you to Mrs. Goodwin at ilive2learn ilove2grow! 
Also thanks go out to Cindy from Kindergarten Love.

For receiving this award I have to....
1.  Follow the person who gave me the award.  Check!
2.  Link back to the person that gave me the award.  Check!
3.  Pass to 15 new bloggers and let them know they have received the award. Working on it :)

It is always hard to find bloggers who haven't received awards yet, so I will look for some and will add to this as I can!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Top 5 Teacher Must Haves - Linky Party

I'm linking up with Kelley, from Teacher Idea Factory and Rachelle, from Life is Sweet...In Kindergarten. They are both having linky parties, where everyone can showcase some of the resources we have that we simply cannot do without.

Here are my current Top 5 School Resources
 I Can't Live Without...
My Staples Desk Apprentice - my hubby bought me for Valentine's Day because he knows that I am an office supply addict!  You can fit so much into this baby!

I love my Mr. Sketch markers. Here's why: They are great for making anchor charts and even the most reluctant of students is willing to add a comment or an answer when you bribe them with the smelly markers.  Even my 7th graders would jump at the chance to solve a problem if I let them use these markers!

Staples #2 Magnetic Bulldog ClipsThese bulldog clips are an absolute must for keeping current anchor charts on the board!  I think I have a zillion of these because I was always losing them around my classroom.  A few of my students bought me some for Christmas because they could feel my pain :) Love these!

Scotch Thermal Laminator 15.5 Inches x 6.75 Inches x 3.75 Inches, 2 Roller System (TL901)My Scotch laminator and I have become best friends this summer as I am laminating mad with all of the decorations and games I am making from my blog stalking and Pinterest addictions.  My only peeve - my Wal-Mart in town has been sold out of the sleeves for the past two weeks and I am seriously worried that I might run out before my laminating spree is over :(  And even though I have promised hubby that I am done with most of my back to school shopping, I may have to sneak a few boxes in tomorrow when we go into town.

SOLD OUT! Teacher Special (Buy 3 for only $17.99 each)My pencil sharpener!  I think I've mentioned before that I HATE the sound of the pencil sharpener - so this was a life saver!  It is so quiet I think I might let them sharpen all day long (well, not really).  I was given a free one to review - (GIVEAWAY coming up - hint, hint) and I LOVE it!  I am thinking about buying a few for my teacher friends for Christmas (shhh!) - so worth it though!

What products and resources can you not live without? 
Come and link up, too!  I can't wait to see your ideas!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Popcorn Sight Word Game - FREEBIE

Luke has been getting anxious watching me make preparations for the upcoming year.  He is much more excited about the things I am making for third grade (now that he is in first) than he ever was when I was making 7th grade math things.  Pre-algebra doesn't have the same cuteness factor I suppose. LOL!

Not wanting to leave him out, I printed out these popcorn sight words on yellow card stock and made a fun game to practice his sight words.

We cut them up and put them in a sand bucket because we couldn't find the popcorn container that I had bought last year at Target (it is probably in someone's toy box).  You put the cards in and then take turns pulling them out and reading the word - BUT... if you pull out the POP you have to put all of your cards back in the bucket.  We set a timer on my iphone to determine the winner.  He loved it!

I had forgotten that I had made this game awhile ago hoping to play it with him, but I was glad I found it because now my wheels are spinning with ways that I could change it up for third graders. 

* Multiplication
*Addition/Subtraction Review

Any other thoughts or ideas?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kiss First Day Jitters...Goodbye Linky Party!!!

I am joining Mrs. Saunder's Lovelies with her Kiss First Day Jitters Goodbye Linky Party.  The purpose of the linky is to alleviate those first day jitters with a checklist of all of those procedures you want to remember to teach your new students.  It is always a challenge to leave your well trained students from the year before to meet a whole new set who don't know what your expectations are.

Here are a few of the things I need to remember to teach:

1. The class rules - I will be using the 5 from Whole Brain Teaching (Google it - AMAZING)
        1. Follow directions quickly
        2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
        3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
        4. Make smart choices!
        5. Make your dear teacher happy!

2. Pencil rules - I HATE the sound of the pencil sharpener, so I keep tons on hand for them to exchange.

3. Lining up and hallway expectations.  I am a stickler for not disturbing other classes.

4. Lunchroom behavior - when I student taught in elementary we ate with the students for the first week to model expected behaviors. If my new school allows this I will do it again.

5. Daily 5 procedures.

6. Beginning of the day procedures - I like to have the students work on something when they come in to make that transition to this is class time.

7. Morning Meeting Procedures - I plan on incorporating this in this year, so I will need to teach the expectations for greeting, sharing, morning message, and group activity.

What are your beginning of the year procedures?  Link up!

Get Ready For Back To School With a Vision Check-up

When we went to Luke's physical for football, he was referred to have his eyes checked, so we quickly made an appointment for him, and I am so thankful that we did!  He has 20/50 vision in one eye and 20/100 in the other eye!  I had no idea his vision was so bad, and I am really glad that we got him glasses before he started first grade.  I am supposed to wear glasses myself, but have been terrible about it.  Seeing Luke wear his all the time has really helped me to wear them as often as I should (which is all the time).

No more squinting across the room with my kiddos telling me, "Mrs. Malloy, you need to wear glasses!" when I can't see the board.

Have you gotten your eyes checked for back to school? 

If not, you might want to check out this deal from Sears that I just got in my email:

WHAT:           Sears Optical founded National Eye Exam Month in 1989 to build awareness about the importance of eye health and annual eye exams. During the month of August, as you are getting your family ready to head back-to-school, Sears Optical reminds you to make an appointment for an annual eye exam.
During the back-to-school season, Sears Optical customers can take advantage of special offers for the entire family. Adults and kids are able to receive two complete pairs of eyeglasses made with Ultralight lenses for $99.
WHEN:           Now – September 11th
WHERE:         Sears Optical Stores Nationwide
To find a store near you visit
DETAILS:       Families across the nation are preparing for back-to-school and annual eye exams should be part of the routine. 80% of what children learn comes through their vision and undetected vision problems can lead to learning difficulties.
Eye exams are important for adults as well. Many vision-threatening eye problems such as glaucoma can be treated and prevented if discovered early enough.
With over 50 years in the eye care industry, Sears Optical is the expert in family eye care. With experienced opticians and quality brands with a great frame selection, Sears Optical is the one-stop-shop for all your family’s vision care needs. Make an appointment with your eye care provider to schedule an eye exam for your family today.  

Disclosure: I received NO compensation for this post - I just thought I would share the information :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

To Do Before School List (Linky Party)

I was stalking reading a few blogs this morning when I saw Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies' To Do Before School List Linky Party.  She mentioned that there were only four weeks left before she heads back into the classroom to decorate because she officially goes back on August 20th, but never has time to get stuff done in her room because of staff development and meetings.

As I read this I had a mini meltdown of sorts because you see we go back to school on August 20th - as in kids are there, school has begun!  I go back on the 10th!  WHERE*HAS*MY*SUMMER*GONE???? and full panic mode I*HAVE*A*MILLION*THINGS*TO*DO still.

Deep breath - if I just make a check list of things to do I will be fine.  Oh Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies you are brilliant and I definitely need to link up!

So without further ado, my to do list:

1. I need to set up my Word Study spelling notebooks.

2. I need to set up my reading brain books.

3. Rocket Math Folders. -I will post on this when I make them :) 

4. Set up Whole Class Journals like the ones I have been seeing around the internet and pinterest world.

5. Map out basic curriculum for the year.

6.My teacher's binder.

7. Print out labels for notebooks and folders.

8. Organize and label my classroom library.

9.Daily 5 and Cafe - (the posters, the anchor charts, the  pensieve, and I still haven't decided what to do about book boxes!) I either want to do this setup or something more like the ones from Really Good Stuff. I've seen the idea about using ice boxes from Wal-Mart which are $1.88 each but I'm not sure if they are tall enough.

10.Finish multiplication Jenga game I started eons ago.

11. All about me pages for our class book. Including filling my about your teacher page.

12. Class Schedule.

13. Library Check out system.

14. Set up math centers.

15. Birthday Bin with goodies.

16. Clipboards (I need to buy more and want to make a cute basket for them).  I wanted to decorate the boards themselves as well - but looking at this list.... uh... on second thought maybe not.

17. Parent Welcome Letter

This list is definitely going to be a work in progress because I know I am forgetting something! 

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