Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Workshop Wednesday - Daily Math Review

I am linking up with
Jivey for Workshop Wednesday! 
Today is all about collaboration and bragging on others.  I knew I had to post about this topic because I am forever indebted to all of the wonderful teacher bloggers and TpT'ers out there who help to make my teaching practice better and better everyday.  I have purchased so many items and used so many ideas from so many wonderful people out there that it is hard to narrow it down to just one or two!

One thing that has been a mainstay and time saver (read life saver) has been
these spiral math reviews
 from Love, Learn, Teach.

4th Grade Daily Math Spiral Review * Common Core Aligned *

I have bought each set separately as she has released them, but you can get
 the whole set here.

I have used them as both a spiral review and as homework.  At the beginning of the year, we used each week in the numerical order.  Then about week 4 or so, I started sending home the first week as an additional review and homework. I love the fact that we have covered geometry and measurement all year long (along with fractions, multiplication, division, etc.). I also love the fact that I haven't had to make them myself!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Roll and Retell - Building Summarizing, Communication, and Writing Skills

Our principal has really been encouraging us to add more writing into our daily lesson plans.  "They should be writing all day long" he tells us.  The research is there to back him up.

I bumped into this Roll and Retell  page from Fun In First on Pinterest awhile back and finally figured out how to add it to our learning day.

I printed and laminated four copies of the Roll and Retell page to hand out to each of my four table groups.

After a round of Daily 5 I handed them out. I also gave each table one die.  Each student at the table took turns rolling the die and then answering the question based on the number they rolled.  They each used the individual book they were reading to answer the questions.  I felt like it would be a great advertisement for new books for each child to read when they were done with the one they were working on.  I also knew it would be great oral practice BEFORE they started writing.

Once they had a chance to talk about what they were going to write, I set the timer for 5 minutes and let them write.  Then we shared our responses.

Here are a few of their responses.

I had so much success with this activity with my students, that I created versions that cover the standards for 2nd3rd and 4th grades.

Before you go, head on over to our giveaway page to enter our current giveaway!  Every week one lucky winner gets a $25 Teachers pay Teachers gift card!

Dr. Susan Hall, literacy leader and founder of 95 Percent Group, mentions this Roll and Retell Activity as a Reading Comprehension Game that Students Will Want to Play Over and Over!  Check it out for the other ideas there as well!

What have you tried in your classroom lately?  Link up with Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried It Tuesday and share!

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  

 I would love to hear from you! ❤️

Have a question? Idea for a resource you might find helpful?

Be so kind and leave a comment below.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Manic Monday Freebie!

Manic certainly describes today in the Malloy household for sure!  I woke up this morning like any other ordinary Monday, took hubby to work and was working on getting the 8 year old ready when my 13 year old came up to me crying, "Mom, I really need to go to the doctor!"  He had been complaining about his ear hurting yesterday, but he said it was worse this morning.  So... I rushed to my computer to dash off some sub plans and request a sub. I went to the school to drop off said plans and other son and began to make copies. Of course the copier in my wing was down so I had to rush to the other hallway! AGG!  I really hate having to get ready for a sub and I keep cursing myself for not making emergency sub plans, but I never seem to get around to making them.  Anyway.. finally left there and took my son to the doctor where it was confirmed that he has an ear infection and tonsillitis.  Well, at least I had the time off to complete a new freebie for you!
Wanted - Missing Factors Multiplication Freebie

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Hoping your day was less manic than mine!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Peek Into My Week - Mar 17 - Mar 21

Next week is going to be short but crazy!  We ended our third quarter on Friday, so we will be having Parent Teacher conferences on Wednesday and Thursday - that means half day craziness.  Friday I will have a sub because my hubby is having a procedure to reduce his migraines.  He has tried everything from physical therapy to meds to botox - with no relief!  We are really hoping this works!  With 6 boys to keep after - migraines are just not a part of the plan!

I am linking up with Mrs Laffin's Laughings to share a few things we have planned for next week:

Animal Presentations

The students have been hard at work putting together their animal research reports and boards.  We will present them this week.

We used this Animal Research Project from forkin4th.
Animal Research Project {Common Core}

When I hold conferences, I try to have the student run the conference if possible.  I have them complete the sheets below which I found from Lesson Plan SOS.  This really helps them guide what they tell their parents and I have found the students to be VERY honest.  Their reflections usually match their grades closely, and light bulbs seem to go off in many of their heads about their work habits.

They are often tougher on themselves then I would be, but that is often a great teaching point in itself!

 I also ask them to write a short note to their parents telling them one thing that they are proud of this quarter and one thing that they are still working on.  It works great for the conference and is also as a mini-assessment.

I also found these forms from Ms. York's class that I think I might use this year.
Do you have your students write self-reflections for conferences?  Do you have any other tips for having successful conferences?

Due to the short week, we will be reviewing fractions - St. Patrick's Day style!
Wacky St.Patrick's Day Fraction Fun

Equivalent Fraction Task Cards - St. Patrick's Day Freebie

Friday, March 14, 2014

5 For Friday - March 14

Another week down - and this marks the last day of our 3rd quarter - this year is flying by!  Time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five For Friday for a look back at our week.

This week started out with baseball tryouts for Tyler.  This year he has moved up a division in Little League and will be on the Juniors (a step above Majors).  If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know that Tyler LIVES for baseball.  Luke will be playing this year too, but he is on Farm, so he didn't need to try out yet.

We celebrated reading week this week and every day had 30 minutes of Stop, Drop, and Read.  The weird thing about it was that my kids normally do Daily 5 and have incredible stamina - a sub once commented that they read non-stop for 50 minutes. So, you would think they could handle this. No... They groaned every single time the announcement came over the loud speaker and I had to bribe them with extra recess just to get them to read the whole time.  GRRR!! Amazing what semantics can do.  Nevertheless, some of them did enjoy their books.

We have been working on Close Reading and Response to text this week.  We independently read an article about the dangers of soda.

Then we worked in groups to carefully read and discuss the article.  One group noted that companies paid schools to sell soda.  They labeled it "bribery" - I was impressed with their astuteness! 

I have been working at Cody's school directing the Drama Club.  While we were there he decided to tape Luke to a chair.  Ahh .. the perils of being a younger brother!  Luke was laughing the whole time, so I couldn't really be mad.  I just did what any other mother would do and snapped a pic - blog fodder right? Don't judge!

And finally, I have a little St. Patrick's freebie for you! I am linking up with Teaching Blog Addict for Freebie Friday!
Freebie Fridays

Equivalent Fraction Task Cards - St. Patrick's Day Freebie

These task cards are perfect for reviewing for state tests, or just general instruction.  You can get them from my TpT store here.  While you are there, don't forget to like my store so you can be notified of new freebies and updates.  Also, you will be qualified to win a $25 TpT gift certificate in my monthly giveaway!  I will be picking March's winner soon!

Have a great weekend!

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