Friday, January 24, 2014

5 For Friday January 24 2014 With A Freebie!

Ah!  The end of another week!  That means time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

My week started out amazing with this gift from one of my students and his grandma.

It's not even my birthday yet, but they just wanted to thank me for my work this year.  This particular kiddo has not been super successful in school prior to this year and had a really bad self-esteem.  The first day of school he told me no less than 20 times how "stupid" he was.  Fast forward to the middle of the year, and he is on honor roll and leadership team and making tremendous strides.  He grew almost 30 points on his MAPS tests as well!  Woo hoo!  I cried when they brought this in!

But, speaking of birthdays - today IS my youngest son's 8th birthday!  Where does the time go?  I had to share this adorable pic of him playing around with a mustache he got from the treasure box.

I almost died when I confiscated these from one of my kiddos this week - At first I thought they were the real thing!

I was thankful they weren't, but, I didn't even know they made these anymore did you?  I thought with the tobacco legislation in the 1990's they banned them.  I guess not.  They look a lot more realistic than the ones I had as a kid.

I spent some time this week printing and laminating these guys..

My kiddos have been mastering their multiplication facts and some are heading into division with my Kicking It Math Multiplication and Kicking It Math Division products.  They love earning their new belts!

And last but not least, a fun little freebie for you!  We have been learning about equivalent fractions, and have been having fun with this What Does the Fox Say? About Equivalent Fractions Match-Up Game. They love the song and sing it as they are playing.  That can be a bit grating, I'm not going to lie, but knowing that they are practicing equivalent fractions, makes it a whole lot easier to swallow! 

I am also linking up with Freebie Friday from Teaching Blog Addict to share this freebie!  You can download the freebie at my TpT store here.

Freebie Fridays

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tried It Tuesday -

I am linking up with Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried It Tuesday!

Hey You! What's New? {Parent Reminders}

This week I tried out these Hey You! What's New? Parent Reminders from Teacher To The Core.  I found myself wasting time  spending hours carefully looking through tons of clip art for just the right pictures, then adding text to it whenever I needed to send parents home a quick note.  The worst part?  I almost NEVER saved the file, so each time I had to recreate the wheel.  And this always would happen during the most crazed weeks - you know the ones with last minute schedule changes, principal observations, homework for a class due, child's out of town baseball tournament!

Luckily, a few months ago I was perusing Katie's blog when I saw these adorable Reminder Notes!  Not only are there reminder notes for just about every thing you could ever think of - they are cute to boot!

We have an awards assembly coming up for the end of the quarter, so I printed a few of these out.

Then I quickly filled in the information needed.  If I had more awards to give out, I would have filled them in first, then copied them!

Easy peasy!  

What new things have you tried out this week?  Link up and share!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Morning Meeting

We start each morning out with a meeting. Our format goes like this:

* Review 5 Rules
*Mission Statement
* Pledge Announcements
*Morning Message

Review 5 Rules.

We use Whole Brain Teaching in our classroom so our 5 rules are:

Rule #1 Follow Directions Quickly
Rule #2 Raise Your Hand For Permission To Speak
Rule # 3 Raise Your Hand For Permission To Leave Your Seat
Rule #4 Make Smart Choices
Rule #5 Keep Your Dear Teacher Happy

The student of the day leads the class through the rules which are posted on the board.  As the students choral chant the rules, they also do hand gestures for each one. You can find free printable posters for the 5 Rules here.

Mission Statement:

After we review our five rules, we recite our class mission statement.  Our mission statement is just a slight revision of our school mission statement.

Our School Mission Statement: 
To create a community that can collaborate, communicate, create, and critically think through reading, writing, math, and technology.

Our Class Mission Statement: 
We are a community of learners that can collaborate, communicate, create, and think critically through reading, writing, math, and technology.

I found a pledge on Mrs. Gold's website that would also work for a class mission.  You could also have the students create their own mission statement.

                                                           I pledge today to do my best,
                                                           in reading, math, and all the rest.
                                                           I promise to obey the rules,
                                                           in my class and in my school.
                                                           I'll respect myself and others too,
                                                           I'll expect the best in all I do.
                                                           I am here to learn all I can,
                                                           to try my best and be all I am.
While we wait for the morning announcements on the loud speaker, we have sharing. Sometimes it is structured with specific Q&As while other times I let them share whatever they would like to share from show and tell items to stories.  They LOVE this time!

Pledge and Announcements:

Our pledge and announcements come on over our loudspeaker led by the secretary at our school.  If I have any additional announcements I let them know after the school announcements.

Morning Message:

I usually prepare a letter to the students to let them know what we will be learning that day.  Sometimes I will intentionally make mistakes for them to edit and other times I will throw in review questions.  I stopped doing the morning message for a little while and they begged me to bring it back.

Additional Resources:

For more Morning Meeting Ideas, Follow my Morning Meeting Pinterest Board here.
You can also follow me on Pinterest for all of my teaching related pins!

I have gotten tons of ideas for Morning Meeting with this book:
The Morning Meeting Book

I love this morning meeting from The Teaching Channel. I've been thinking about ways to add some of these structures into our meeting as well.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tried It Tuesday - Writing Prompts

Today I tried a writing technique a fellow teacher had shared with us last year, but I had never gotten around to using it.  This year I decided I needed to give it a try, because my kiddos HATE writing!  It is almost like pulling teeth to even get them to write a paragraph.  So... I decided to give it a try.  

The idea is to provide the students with a picture prompt.  They then have 10 minutes to write as much as they can with the goal to increase the amount they write each time.

Here is the picture prompt I used today:

I have this one and a ton of other great picture prompts on my Writing Prompts Pinterest Board.  I will be adding to this as I find more.  You can also follow all of my Pinterest Boards here.

After I showed the students the prompt, we brainstormed out loud.  Ignore my messy handwriting (and the room as well - it always seems like a tornado goes through it during the day!).

I can't emphasize enough about how important I believe the verbal brainstorming before writing is.  

Then the students got to work.

Some wrote at their tables.

Others chose to stay on the floor.

When they finished writing a few of them shared what they wrote.

The amazing thing was that some of them started adding to their writing spontaneously as they heard what others had written.

They even collaborated with each other.

Here are a few of the finished pieces.  I chose to only give compliments rather than editing critiques so that they could really learn to love this time.  I told them they could continue their stories during Work on Writing during Daily 5 or abandon them.  That is an author's choice.
(I love her surprise ending!)

Some of them started to add dialogue which they hadn't previously done.  I loved the results and I loved how engaged the students were!  This is definitely something that I am glad that I tried!

Have you tried anything different in your classroom lately?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Learning About Gorillas And Text Structures

Any idea what we will be learning about soon?  I am going to be reading The One And Only Ivan as a read aloud soon, and I wanted to incorporate some non-fiction resources as well to help them understand the book better.

We started by taking a survey.

As of right now it looks like most of them think that animals should not be kept in zoos.  I will be having them read various articles that represent both views along with the books above.  I will repeat the survey when we are done to see if any of their opinions changed.  We will also work on debate skills.

After our survey, we watched the video below.

 Then we came up with questions about the things we wanted to learn about gorillas during our unit.

It's funny because a lot of the questions they had were also ideas I had planned into the unit - :)

Afterwards, I gave each table one of the books above, and they made posters using what they had learned from the book.

We were learning about cause and effect in an earlier mini-lesson, so they went with that!

And... finally I wanted to share the anchor chart I made for different text structures:

Do you ever incorporate non-fiction resources with your fiction read alouds?

Friday, January 10, 2014

5 For Friday January 10

The first week after vacation is officially in the bag and it is time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

This week my classroom mom came in for origami lessons.  This week's origami was a swan!

We have been up to our eyeballs in division, but one of my kiddos is just starting multiplication.  I have been working on some concrete representations.  I gave her some flash cards and she drew circles on the table and some colored discs inside and she is getting the hang of it!

This week was a testing week with common assessments for both ELA and Math.  Our district has unit assessments that all of our students take.

We have been working on Common Core for the past two years, and our scores on the common assessments have been less than stellar.  So, I was super excited to see our scores today - still not fabulous by any stretch of the means, but lets just say we rarely see blue or green.

A step in the right direction!  Can't wait to share this with my students on Monday!

Here is a little testing funny I found as I was grading the tests.  It cracked me up!

This is how I am ending my week...

I started feeling a little tickle in my throat yesterday and now it is full blown!  Thank goodness today was a 1/2 day for the kiddos because of the end of semester because I felt awful!  I was able to get my grades in quickly and head to the store and now I'm home and headed to bed!
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