Time again to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!
In math we are hard at work on elapsed time. We have been practicing telling time with a partner.
Having flash card relays... boys against girls seems to be the favorite!
We also practiced elapsed time with a partner this week. One partner made up a a problem. The second partner solved it, and the first partner checked it.
We have also been reviewing multiplication with this fun Thanksgiving themed game from A Plus Kids.
The game works very similarly to Uno, except the students also practice their math facts. I love that it focuses on unknown factors for an additional challenge! The kids love that they are playing a game instead of "working". I love when you can sneak in learning when they beg to do it!
We will also being using the Christmas You-Know version in a few weeks.
In reading we have been reading a variety of versions of the story Stone Soup.
We have been working on written responses and comparing and contrasting the different versions.
We are really getting good at using details from the text!
Next week we will celebrate our hard work by cooking our own version of Stone Soup. One of my students from last year visited and asked if we were going to be making it again this year. When I told him we were, he asked if he could stop by after school for left overs.
During our writing time, we have been hard at work on writing Fairy Tale Adaptations.
We have been learning the difference between a telling sentence and a showing sentence.
They are getting to be such good writers! I can't wait to see their published pieces!

If you haven't entered already, be sure to enter to win a Base Ten Place Value Frame here.
Head on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to share your week in review. Not sure how to link up? Read my blog post here for some tips and pointers. Have a great weekend!