Tuesday, November 11, 2014

8 Veterans Day Activities for the Classroom

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11th each year.  It honors those who have served our country.

Here are some facts about this Day

On November 11th, 1918, World War I ended with an armistice signed at Compiègne, France. In 1954, Congress passed legislation designating November 11 as "Armistice Day." That same year, President Eisenhower proclaimed November 11 as "Veterans Day" to honor veterans of all wars.

If you are looking for some ways to help your students to learn about and honor Veterans Day, here are some Veterans Day activities, teaching resources, and even some free printables!

I ran across a blog post from Laura at Luv My Kinders this weekend and fell in love with several of the activities she had used.  Even though she teaches kindergarten, I knew I could easily adapt some of the activities for my third graders.

Veterans Day

After seeing her post, I immediately ordered this Veterans Day Flip Book & More set from Lattes and Lunchrooms.  

We started the day with students completing the poll that was included which asked, "Do you know a Veteran?"

They used the adorable heart shaped flags that were included to answer the question.  Each student colored in their square, wrote their name on the line, and posted it to the appropriate column.

The packet comes with some questions to ask your students about the data that would be perfect for kinders or first graders.  I will be spicing it up a bit to challenge my third graders throughout the week.  We will be making graphs using the info and answering questions such as:

* What fraction of our class knows a veteran?

* How many more students know veterans than don't?

* Based on our data, would it be more likely to find a person who knows a veteran or not?

Later that morning we had a veteran visit our classroom.

 He told us about his time in the service (navy) on an aircraft carrier.  He told us that he was a combat veteran having served during times of combat.  He also told us the most important thing that we could say to a veteran was "Thank you!"  The students had a lot of questions for him!

In the afternoon we watched a video that Laura had shared on her blog.  She said it was for older students and fit the bill perfectly for my third graders.

When we finished watching the movie we talked about what character traits Veterans had.  We have been working on character traits during reading, so it was a perfect tie in.  The package came with a heading that said, "Characteristics of a Veteran" that I changed to match our learning objectives.

We ended our Veterans Day learning by making the flip books that came in the set.

As we were putting them together, one of my students asked, "Can we read them?"  

"Of course!"  (Don't you love when they beg to do school work like reading?)

 The text was perfect for them to read independently.  You might need to help younger students.

You could also give these out at the beginning of the day so your early finishers can work on them throughout the day.  I just know with my kiddos that once the opportunity to color comes up, they won't work until their coloring is done.  That is why I gave them out at the end of the day!

Speaking of coloring, I also have these Veteran's Day Color by Number pages for students to practice their math facts!

I currently have  addition and multiplication math facts versions of these items and a number recognition or subitizing version.  If you have a request for additional skills, leave a comment below!

Veterans Day Color By Number Multiplication Worksheets

Veterans Day Color By Number Addition Worksheets

Veterans Day Color By Number Subitizing

Each set comes with (8) Veterans Day themed color by number pages and answer keys.

I hope you have fun learning about and celebrating Veterans Day with your students!

Are there any other activities you do with your students?  Leave them in the comments below!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Pioneer Teacher's $20,000 Milestone Giveaway!

One of my Teachers Pay Teachers friends, The Pioneer Teacher, is celebrating a big milestone!  She has reached $20,000 in sales and is celebrating with a big blowout of giveaways!  I have donated a winner's choice item, along with donations from over 50 other sellers.  There is something for everyone, so enter to win below!  Don't forget to head over to her brand new blog to congratulate her on her achievement!

K-1 Prize Pack
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grade 2-3 Prize Pack 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grade 4-5 Prize Pack

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, November 8, 2014



I swapped items with Beth Ann from Taming My Flock of Firsties.

Taming My Flock of Firsties

I was able to choose any item I wanted from her fabulous TpT store.

I chose her Criss Cross Applesauce Short Vowel Sounds Sorting Game.

Criss Cross Applesauce ~ Short Vowel Sorting Game
Although I teach third grade, my class has never been filled with kiddos who are all working at grade level.  I always have a handful that are ahead, a handful that are behind, and the rest close to or at grade level.  This year I have a few who are working at a first grade level, so I knew this would be perfect for them.

This product contains 31 pages of vowel sorting goodies with adorable visually appealing clip art. The basic concept of the sort is to sort the different pictures under their appropriate vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).  I used the product this way, but I also tried a few variations that I am going to share as well. I love when you can find multiple uses for a product, and especially when you can differentiate for different student levels.

I chose to use just two vowels (a and e) for this particular student.

Once he sorted the words, he used the recording sheet for each vowel that is provided to write his answers.  This is great for student accountability if you choose to use it as a center activity.

I also loved that she included an extension of this  recording sheet that can be used during students' independent reading as they encounter words with short vowel sounds.

Variations You Could Try

I covered up the vowel letters for some of my students who needed a bit more of a challenge. I just used a small post-it note and cut it down to size. 

I printed an extra set of cards, and then cut the words off of the bottom as another way to challenge students.

I also used this second set for word/picture matching.

I even used just the words for the students to practice reading.

This product would be perfect for any of you first grade teachers, or even older grades (like me) who need to differentiate for your struggling learners.

Would you like a chance to win this product? Simply use the Rafflecoptor below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Beth Ann also got to choose one of my items from my store, and she chose my Kicking It Math Addition Facts Fluency Packet.

Addition Facts Fluency Program - Kicking It Math 

Just head over to her blog to see this product in action and enter to win your own copy.  I also have this product on sale in my store for the next three days.

Please visit Jungle Learners to check out the other swaps and giveaways!

And don't forget to enter my monthly giveaway for a $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Five for Friday November 7th 2014 GIVEAWAY TIME TOO!

Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party hosted by Doodle Bugs Teaching where you post five random things from the week on your blog.  Them you link up at her page and check out what everyone else is up to as well.  I always love this linky party because I get great ideas from all of the participating bloggers! You can find the latest linky party here.

Don't know how to join a linky party?  Check out my post here.

Since Halloween was Nevada Day, we had a three day weekend! Woo Hoo!  I got to spend the day with my kiddos and one of my students (his mom had to work and he is buddies with Luke, so he spent the day with us).  We had a fun-filled day!

We started at Build a Bear where Luke got Olaf and a new bear (I of course forgot to take a pic of him - grrr!).  My student got Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. I DID remember to take his picture since I was texting his mom with them throughout the day.

Next up was the movie theater where we saw Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  If you haven't seen it yet - you must!  It was so funny!  Even my hubby loved it!

Finally, we ended the day with a ride on the Ferris Wheel at Scheel's (a sporting goods store).

We had a half day professional development class, so I had to have a sub this week.  One of the activities that I left was this Pumpkin Pie Pronouns Roam the Room from Teacher's Clubhouse

The sub said it was by far the best activity she had ever seen in sub plans.  The students loved it, were engaged, and learned more about pronouns.  What's not to love?  Note to self - Include more roam the room activities in my sub plans!

Because my PD was in the afternoon, I actually posted these around the room while my students were taking an assessment.  They were so curious about them, I knew they would be engaged for the sub.

We have been working on elapsed time this week using t-charts.  T-charts have been the BEST way to teach elapsed time.  I explained more in this post here.

Recognize Toothless? LOL!

My students and I were very happy to receive our newest Amazon order. I MAY be a bit addicted to Amazon - just saying.

The Book With No Pictures is HILARIOUS!  It was another hit with the sub.  The Stink books are quite the hit in 3rd grade right now, not just in my class but the others as well.  I have a few students from other classes who come down to borrow them.  We are currently working on a fairy tale unit, so a few of the books were for that, and the new Ivan book was a must have since we will be reading The One and Only Ivan later in the year.

I am honestly so thankful for all of my followers, and I really LOVE being able to do this $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway each month.  Use the Rafflecoptor below to enter to win this month's prize.

I am adding a little twist to this month's entry with extra entry options for pinning to win.

Multiplication and Division Bundle. Want to get your students excited about learning their math facts?  Have them work towards becoming math fact black belts!

Use this pin  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/16325617375181245/

Math Journals - 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade.  4 prompts for every Common Core Standard
 Use this pin http://www.pinterest.com/pin/16325617375139695/

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 3, 2014

Easy To Make Math Game For Practicing Math Facts

My students absolutely LOVE this game for practicing their math facts!  You can watch the video below to see how we use it for practicing multiplication, but it can be easily adapted for other skills as well (including sight words or vocabulary words)!

I give complete directions in the post below, as well as some ideas for modifications you can make.

I am so excited to share this little game with you because it is a Pinterest inspired activity that I actually got around to making instead of just pinning!  I know I'm not the only one who pins something with the best intentions, but somehow never uses it.

Anyway, I ran across this pin from Primarily Speaking. I knew it would be a great way for my kiddos to practice their addition and multiplication facts.  My students always love playing games and I love finding ways for them to get better at their math facts.  Us teachers need to be sneaky sometimes!
Walk the Plank: practicing addition facts to 20- Both players line up cubes, roll dice and add, take the opponent's sum cube. First person to take all of the other player's cubes wins.
This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  

I found these 5 gallon paint stir sticks at Wal-Mart for 38 cents.  I grabbed four of them to start. You can also find a pack of 40 of them at Amazon for even less.

Then using a sharpie, I sectioned off parts and numbered each one.  I determined what numbers to write on the paint stick based on the dice and operation I was going to use with it.  The picture above is an addition version. 

For example, if you are making an addition version using a six sided die, you would determine all possible sums from the die.  If the sum already occurred I skipped it. Here is a little "cheat sheet" below:

1 + 1 = 2
1 + 2 = 3
1 + 3 = 4
1 + 4 = 5
1 + 5 = 6
1 + 6 = 7
2 + 6 = 8
3 + 6 = 9
4 + 6 = 10
5 + 6 = 11
6 + 6 = 12

If you are making a multiplication version using a 6 sided dieyou would determine all possible products from the die.  If the product already occurred I skipped it.

1 X 1 = 1
1 X 2 = 2
1 X 3 = 3
1 X 4 = 4
1 X 5 = 5
1 X 6 = 6
 2 X 4 8
   2 X 5 10
   2 X 6 = 12
 3 X 3 9
  3 X 5 15
  3 X 6 = 18
 4 X 4 16
 4 X 5 20
 4 X 6 = 24
 5 X 5 25
 5 X 6 = 30
 6 X 6 = 36

 I used the red/yellow disks instead of the linking cubes because I happen to have a lot more of these (just in case the kiddos manage to lose one or two). Each student picks a color and then lines up their pieces around the paint stick.

The students take turns rolling the dice.  They find the sum (if they are using the addition version) or product (with the multiplication version) and then take their opponent's piece away from that number.  The object of the game is to take as many pieces of the other player's pieces as you can.  If they roll a number that has already been removed, they simply lost that turn and it is the next player's turn.

They absolutely loved the game and begged to play all week long!  You can easily modify this game for greater or less challenge by changing the numbers or the amount of dice you use.  You could even make a division or subtraction version if you want by using one die that has bigger numbers than the other.  For bigger numbered dice use these or these double dice (add the 2 numbers together). Easy, cheap, and fun!

For more ideas like this, be sure to follow my Pinterest Boards to see what other things I have pinned!

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