Monday, January 11, 2016

Snowball Fight Multiplication

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to spice up math practice during the winter? Snowball fight is a fun winter game that can be used to help your students practice just about any skill you can think of!

A few years ago, I had my students practice area and perimeter using a snowball fight type activity. You can read about that activity here.  But, for some reason, even though my students LOVED it, I never repeated the activity.  Well, that was until I ran across this post from Teaching Maddeness.  In the post, she talked about using snowball fight learning to help her students practice multi-digit addition.

Well, my students were working on double digit multiplication before the Christmas break, and I wanted a fun way to review what we had learned.  So, I downloaded her activity, but modified it for my class. Amanda has this freebie available in her store here.

Her set comes with pre-made numbers that you simply print off.  Alternatively, you can have your students write the numbers on papers themselves, but I found that her numbers gave a larger variety than what my students might have written on their own.  Besides, I think hers are cuter!

All the students had to do was crumple them up and ...


They were quite excited to hear that their teacher was ALLOWING them to throw things in class.

They each had to grab one snowball and return to meet with their partner.  They each unwrapped their snowball and multiplied the numbers together.  I asked each partner to first solve by themselves, and then check with their partner.  If they both had the same answer, they stood up for the next round.  If they had different answers, they needed to talk about it and figure out who was correct.

I was able to differentiate for those students who are still struggling, by having them add or subtract.

After the activity, I simply collected the snowballs for the next time!

What other variations of this activity can you think of?  Let me know in the comments below.

Before you go, head on over to our giveaway page to enter our current giveaway!  Every week one lucky winner gets a $25 Teachers pay Teachers gift card! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year's Resolutions Blog Hop

The Classroom Clique is bringing to you a fun little hop filled with some of our resolutions for the New Year and a few freebies for you as well!  Nothing like starting out the new year with a set of FREE resources for your class!

My resolution for myself is to sleep more.  I get up super early in the morning (4:30 AM) to get things done, and then no matter how many times I tell myself I am going to go to bed early, I stay up way too late.  The result is a crankier me than I would like.  So, I need to be getting 7 to 8 hours each night - no excuses!

My resolution to my family is to turn off the technology from time to time to connect with each other.  With a TpT store, a blog and a teaching career (Pinterest anyone? LOL), I am often quite connected to the internet at ALL TIMES.  I feel like occasionally my family gets the short end of the stick when it comes to quality time with me, and I want to change that this year.  I also have tween, teen, and adult children, so they also need to unplug from time to time.

My resolution for my class is to enjoy things more.  Because I teach in a tested grade, I feel like I am often stressed about testing and test scores.  I want to just enjoy my students for who they are rather than a set of data.  I want to laugh at their jokes, make time for their stories, and marvel at their curiosity.

I love using cooperative learning strategies in my classroom, so I have created this solve and switch activity for you.  I have included 12 double digit multiplication task cards, but you can use it with any set of task cards.

Solve and Switch Freebie - Double Digit Multiplication

Don't forget to visit my other friends in the hop to collect even more freebies! Hope 2016 is your best year yet!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 2016 Monthly $75 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway!

Yes, you read that title correctly!  My monthly $25 Teachers Pay Teachers gift card giveaway has morphed into a $75 Teachers Pay Teachers gift card giveaway!  Why?  Because I love gifting my teacher readers, and I have had a little help from my friends!

Monthly Giveaway:

Ten of my Teachers Pay Teachers friends and I have come together to make this giveaway even better!  Each month we will be giving away a $75 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift card!!!  What a sweet prize!  You can enter this month's giveaway using the Rafflecopter below.  Then, remember to check back each month for another chance to win!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 2016 Pinterest Pick 3 Linky

If you are looking for some inspiration for January planning, you have come to the right place! I am linking up with PAWSitively Teaching, Just Reed, and Inspired Owl's Corner for their Pinterest Pick 3 Linky.  It is a great way to find ideas and inspiration for your January lesson planning.  Here are a few of my favorite pins for January:

I love this writing lesson plan for having your students make New Year's Resolutions.

To find the original pin, click here

In January we honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.  I love this door poster, not only for decoration, but also for teaching tolerance.

To find the original pin, click here.

For more Martin Luther King Jr. Lesson plan ideas, visit my Holidays in the Classroom - Martin Luther King board.

We will be working on fractions this month, and I think this "spoons" game will be a fun and effective way to practice equivalent fractions.

To find the original pin, click here.

Please join me on Pinterest to see all of the other things I am pinning!
Visit An Apple for the Teacher's profile on Pinterest.

For more January inspiration, be sure to check out these other posts. If you would like to link up, add to the linky below.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Currently - January 2016

It seems like as I get older, each year seems to go by faster and faster!  Can you believe it is already 2016?  2015 was a really good year for me, and I am hoping for the same this year as well.  It is not just a new year, but a new month, which means it is time to link up with Farley for Currently!

We finally broke down and got a second game system which has helped eliminate quite a few power struggles and fights.  If I could eliminate the fighting altogether I would be a happy Mama!  If you have any ideas I am open to suggestions!

I am sipping my tea from a brand new Disney mug - my souvenir from our Christmas trip to Disneyland. We had so much fun!

We even got to spend some time with one of my older sons and his girlfriend.  They live in Los Angeles, so they met us at the park.

We definitely had a good time, but it was also exhausting!

Vacations are never long enough, are they?

Being a mom of 6 boys, I am always making sacrifices and buying things for them, but I never do things for myself.  That is one of my goals this year, to do a little more for me.  On the top of my wishlist is a new purse.  I have only bought Wal-Mart purses, so I am planning on getting myself a nicer one.  Any suggestions?

I head back to school on Monday, so it is time to get my head back into the game and get some lesson plans done.  I did get next week's plans completed before vacation, so I am hoping to stay a week ahead of myself.

Which brings me to my word for the year.  I need to be more intentional.  I often do things as they come up, sort of like a firefighter putting out fires sometimes.  This year, I would like to be more intentional with how I spend my time.

Hoping you have had a great New Year, and I look forward to sharing with you in 2016!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas Present Ideas for the Classroom

Are you looking for Christmas Gift Ideas for your students?

'Tis the season for gift-giving, and the classroom is often no exception.  With everything you have to worry about this time of year, I have taken the worry out of coming up with ideas for gifts for parents, students, and teachers!

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.

Student Gift Ideas

1. Scholastic $1 Books -

 I love everything about Scholastic including the fact that they have got you covered when it comes to gift giving!  They always have a variety of $1 books which make the perfect (and affordable) gift for your students.  This year I purchased these books for my students:

2. You're Worth a Million (or hundred in this case) Bucks! 

What kid doesn't love getting money?  The best part about this idea is that they will love it even more with their own face on it!  You will love it because it won't cost you a ton of money!

Created at

You can upload your students' pictures to this website to create $100 bills just like the one pictured above.  I am printing mine out in the size of bookmarks to go along with their books.  I can't wait to see their faces when they see them!

You can create other pictures/posters on the site using their pictures and print them at Wal-Mart or Walgreens for another inexpensive idea.

3. Take Home Science

I also love this idea from Rachael Parlett of the Classroom Game Nook of sending home a science experiment as a Christmas Present as well!

The perfect holiday, birthday, or end-of-the-school-year gift to give your students! Take-Home science experiments that your students can take home and use with their families!:

Parent Gift Ideas

I always like to have my students create presents to give to their families.  I think it helps them to see that Christmas is as much about giving as it is receiving, and parents LOVE getting presents made by their children.

1. Create photo greeting cards.  

One present that we always give out is a class picture photo greeting card.  I send home one to every family (all of the students sign the backs of every picture), and we hand deliver them to the special people in our school (specials teachers, principal, janitors, etc.).  Here is this year's class pic.  It is darn near impossible to get a perfect picture of everybody, so sometimes you just have to go with the one that is closest - even if it includes bunny ears!

2. Put a Kid in a Snow globe  -

I will be having the students write about how they got trapped in the snow globe using this freebie from my TpT store.

If I Was In A Snowglobe Writing Prompt and Graphic Organizers

3. Stained Glass Art -

 We have made these in the past, and both parents and students loved them!  You can find the complete directions here.

Teacher Gift Ideas

If you are a parent as well as a teacher, you may want a few ideas for showing your child's teacher your appreciation.  Or maybe, you might want to share a gift or two with your favorite colleague or team member.  If you are stuck, you may want to check my Pinterest board below for TONS of ideas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Increasing Positive Student Participation Are You a Hog, a Log, or a Frog? Morning Meeting Lesson

Do you have students who sit around like logs, rarely ever participating in class discussions or activities?

What about those students who act like hogs, blurting out answers, not letting their peers have a chance to speak up let alone think about the question you just asked?

If you answered, "YES!" to either of these questions, you will love this morning meeting idea!

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love. 

I got this lesson idea from my friend, Jessica from The Whimsical Teacher.  If you are not following her on Periscope, well, you should be!

The first thing you need to do is print out the different masks.  I laminated mine for extra durability because I attached them to our wall as a reminder after the activity.

 I have a pdf file with all three of the masks here.

Hog, Log, and Frog Masks

Next, you gather your students around for your normal morning meeting.  If you don't use a morning meeting in your classroom, you can just use this as a lesson during the day.  Show the students the log and ask them what they think of when they think of a log.  What might a person who acts like a log in the classroom be like?  The students will volunteer ideas such as:

"They just sit there."
"They don't do their work."
"They don't help out."
"They don't participate."

Then, show them the hog mask. Ask them to tell you what they think of when they think of a hog.  Again, ask them how this might relate to the classroom.  Students might say:

"They blurt."
"They answer all of the questions."
"They raise their hands like crazy all the time."
"They interrupt."

Last, show them the frog and ask them what frogs always turn into in fairy tales.  They should answer, "Princes."  You then say, "That's right, they always turn into princes and princesses, because they do the right thing. What might the right thing be in the classroom?"  Answers could include:

"Taking turns."
"Participating in lessons."
"Always doing their best."

End the lesson by asking students what they would like to be, a log, a hog or a frog?  The answer should be simple - they want to be frogs.

Throughout the year, when your students aren't making the best choices, you can remind them, "Didn't you say you wanted to be a frog?

My students LOVED this lesson, and it has been a great reminder for increasing positive student participation.

If you decide to do this project, I would love to see pictures!  Please email me at or tag me on InstagramFacebook, or Twitter!

Before you go, head on over to our giveaway page to enter our current giveaway!  Every week one lucky winner gets a $25 Teachers pay Teachers gift card!

 I would love to hear from you! ❤️

Have a question? Idea for a resource you might find helpful?

Be so kind and leave a comment below.

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