It's no secret, Pinterest is an amazing resource for teaching ideas, menu planning inspiration, crafting ideas and more! I am a little more than slightly hooked. Here are a few of my pins from this week:

I love, love, love new clip art and frames for making materials for my classroom and Teachers Pay Teachers. I love finding great freebies like this even more!

I love this simple method for having your students self assess their understanding. They could be used for any subject and during multiple times throughout the day. I'm going to have the students use them during whole group mini-lessons and also at their desks while working independently so I can spot who needs my help the most.

We live in a high winds area, so it seems like we are always having to clean dust and dirt that has made its way through our windows or patio doors. I love this cleaning tip and am going to try it out this weekend!

(. . . sprinkle a bit of baking soda into the corners, pour a bit of vinegar into a cup and pour it into the tracks. )

And although I know it is the end of the year, my silly brain is already obsessing about planning for next year, so I am loving this idea for organizing back to school night.

I also adore these pencils - you can have them say whatever you want.

What are you pinning this week? Leave me a link to your boards and I will follow you!