I have never been a big Black Friday shopper myself. Although I would love the deals - I don't really like dealing with the crowds, and I would rather spend my precious days off with my family. That being said, I DO love the fact that the sales have come to the internet world! I can still get great deals while relaxing at home with the family! Bonus!
I am also super excited about Monday's AMAZING sale at TpT - my wish list is over brimming and ready to be added to the shopping cart. Unfortunately, Monday is a work day and can be hard to get to the computer. So... I am having a sale in my store from now until Tuesday - 20% off everything. If you wait until Monday you can get an additional 8% off from TpT (you have to use the code CYBER), but if you can't wait, you can still save.
And to sweeten the deal - if you buy before Monday you can get a free product as well - Buy one get one free on top of the 20% off!
To get the free Item:
1. email me at kellys3ps@sbcglobal.net
2. Be sure to include your TpT user name and the item you purchased (between Nov 29 and Dec 1 at Midnight)
3. The item you would like for free (equal or lower cost than item you purchased)
4. I will email you the free item as soon as I can.

My Teachers Pay Teachers Store