Showing posts with label linkys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linkys. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2013

An App A Day Linky Party

Kelly over at Thirsty Firsties is hosting an App party because her school just purchased an ipad lab and she is looking for some great apps to download.  Her linky party works like this:

1. Share your favorite FREE app that you use in the classroom.
My favorite FREE app that I use in the classroom is: Flash to Pass .
It is basically an electronic set of flashcards, but my kiddos love it!  I have used it in small group instruction as well as during those extra sets of minutes you find such as waiting in line, or the end of the day.

2. Share your favorite app that costs that you use in the classroom. (If you don't have one, share another FREE one).
My favorite paid App is probably still Confer. 

Confer is the main reason why I wanted to get my ipad.  I use it as a digital pensive for Daily 5 and CafĂ© and I would honestly be lost without it!  You can view a how to video here: 

3. Share your favorite app for personal use (Instagram, Candy Crush, etc.)

My favorite app for personal use is LoseIt. 

After 6 kiddos I definitely have some poundage that needs to hit the curb!  I find if I keep track of what I eat and when I work out I tend to be more accountable. 

Then grab this button and link-up. 

She's also giving away an iTunes gift card as part of the linky, so be sure to check out her blog and join in the fun!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Teacher Toolbox Trio Linky Celebration

I am linking up with Eberopolis for her Teacher Toolbox Trio Celebration! It is basically a celebration of all things Teachers Pay Teachers!  I know that my teaching has been greatly improved because of it, and I am sure most teachers would agree!  Here are the basic rules of the link up:
1. Share a product that you've made that you couldn't live without.
2. Share a product that you've purchased that you love.
3. Share something from your wish list that you're hoping to get for next year.

If you're not a seller on TpT, no worries -- just share two products you've purchased that you love!

1. Something I've Made

Third Grade Math Journal - Aligned to Common Core My Third Grade Math Journal Prompts - I love my kiddos writing about math - it really helps increase their understanding when they explain why they know what they know. I have four prompts for every standard along with answer keys.
And... because I will most likely be rolling up with my kiddos next year, I just finished the Math Journal Prompts for 4th grade!
 Fourth Grade Math Journal - Aligned to Common Core

2. Something I Purchased

Hands On Common Core Fraction Unit:  Constructing Meaning I don't know about your kiddos, but mine certainly had a difficult time with fractions this year.  That is why I couldn't wait to get my hands on this Hands on Common Core Fractions Unit.  The unit includes lessons, exit tickets, word problems, and more!  I can't wait to use this more fully next year!

You can follow Meg's blog: Fourth Grade Studio here. (She is amazing!!)

3. Something on My Wish List

Now this is where it gets a little dicey for me - I have 211 items on my Wishlist (Don't judge!)! How can I narrow it down to one?  I guess I will put the item that is most recent on the list...

Fourth Grade Math Assessments Test Prep Edition We give out common assessments at our school, but I like knowing ahead of time where my kiddos are at and what I need to work on with them.  I have a similar set for third grade which I LOVE - so this one is definitely on my list! Common Core Math Assessments Test Prep Fourth Grade.

The Linky Celebration

Now, I bet you are wondering why it's called a celebration - well Eberopolis -- is celebrating nearing 150 followers ,so if link up , you'll be eligible to win a $25 gift certificate from Teachers Pay Teachers -- enough to possibly clear off some items from your own wish list! And I am not judging you if your list is as long as mine :)

clip art from KPM Doodles


Can't wait to discover some new products and see some of your favorites! Be sure to link up !

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A RACK {Random Acts of Christmas Kindness} linky party!

I am definitely one of those people who believes it is better to give than to receive!  My favorite part of Christmas is finding the perfect gift and seeing the joy in the receiver's eyes!  That is why I was excited to link up with this linky party from First Grade in Foxwell Forest

The rules are simple:

You choose 2 blogs that you follow {one newer blog that you recently began following and one blog that you have been following since you first began} and highlight them on your blog by explaining why you think they are such a gift! Then you give them a RACK by offering them one item as a gift from your TPT store!

Here are the 2 blogs I am passing my RACK on to:

One of the newest blogs that I have begun to follow is If You Give A Teacher A Treat. I found her adorable blog from another blog I have been following and I have only just begun to look through her posts - lots of fun word work and Daily 5 activities to try!

The blog that I have been following FOREVER is Ladybug Teacher Files.  Her CRAFT board has been amazing! I always have other teachers asking me where I got them and I always direct them her way.  Recently our instructional coach asked me again where to find them because she was giving a class on using Daily 5 with the upper grades and she loved what I was doing in my classroom.  I told her the credit goes to Ladybug Teacher Files!

Now it's your turn! Link up and join in the giving!

Merry Christmas!
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