Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Spring Color By Number Worksheets

Hey there, teacher friends! If you're looking for a fun and engaging way to practice math facts with your students while celebrating the Spring season, look no further than these Spring Color-by-Number Worksheets

Not only are they a great way to keep your students engaged and excited about math, but they'll also get to enjoy coloring in fun Spring-themed pictures while they practice essential math skills such as addition and multiplication.

Spring Color By Number Worksheets

I wanted to make fun of Spring color by number versions since it is still pretty cold where we live, but we are all anxious for Spring! Check out this adorable Spring Color by Number addition worksheet!

Spring Color by Number Worksheet

Speaking from personal experience, my students absolutely adore these color-by-number worksheets and can't get enough of them! And who can blame them? Color-by-number activities are not only entertaining, but they're also a fantastic way to get students to practice their math facts without even realizing it.

Spring Color by Number Addition

I love that they can't wait to practice essential math skills such as addition facts and multiplication facts while coloring fun spring-themed coloring pictures!

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

Spring Color by Number Addition

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

If you're specifically looking to target multiplication skills, then you're in luck because we have a whole set of Spring Color-by-Number Multiplication Worksheetsavailable! These worksheets feature eight Spring-themed pages for your students to color, each one focusing on a different multiplication fact. 

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

And of course, we also have Spring Color-by-Number Addition Worksheets available as well.

Spring Color by Number Addition

What is Color by Number?

Color-by-number is an activity for a variety of ages. They usually have a picture or illustration that is divided by lines into sections.  Each section contains a number or a problem to solve.  There is a key included that tells you what color each section should be based on what is written in the section.

Spring Color by Number Addition

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

Spring Color by Number Addition

Supplies Needed for Spring Color by Number

Spring Color by Number Addition

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

Spring Color by Number Addition

Directions for Spring Color By Number

1. Download and print the Spring Color by Number printables.

2. Begin coloring the picture based on the answers to each section and the color key code.

Spring Color by Number Addition

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

Spring Color by Number Multiplication

Spring Color by Number Addition

So if you're looking to help your students sharpen their math skills this Spring season while also having fun, be sure to check out our Spring Color-by-Number Worksheets today! And if you have any requests for additional math skills or themes, just leave a comment below and we'll see what we can do. Happy Spring!

Save even more (over 50%) by buying them in the four-season color-by-number sets!

Spring Color By Number Math Facts Long Pin

Pull out the crayons or markers and let your students have fun while learning their math facts with these spring math fact printables!

More Coloring Pages for Kids

Monday, April 6, 2020

Teacher Giveaway! Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway April 6, 2020

Teacher Giveaway!

This Giveaway is Over!  Please visit our Giveaway page to enter our current giveaway.   Sign up HERE to be alerted about all of our future giveaways!

Teacher Giveaway - Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers gift card giveaway

$25 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway

Every week one lucky teacher gets to go on a Teachers pay Teachers shopping spree!  Will it be you this week?


Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card 

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 4/13/20 and is open worldwide.  

Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! 

Teacher Giveaway! Monthly $100 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway - April 2020

Teacher Giveaway!

This Giveaway is Over!  Please visit our Giveaway page to enter our current giveaway.   Sign up HERE to be alerted about all of our future giveaways!

Teachers Giveaway - $100 Teachers pay Teachers gift card giveaway An Apple for the Teacher


Prize: $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card

Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 4/13/20 and is open worldwide.

Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

A List of Authors Doing Virtual Story Time or Art Lessons

It has been amazing seeing all of the people donating their times and talents to help keep our students learning and busy during this crazy time!  One thing I have especially loved is all of the authors who have been doing virtual story times or art lessons.

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  

Here is a list of all the ones I have seen so far.  I will keep adding to the list as I hear about new ones.

Lunch Doodles With Mo Willems  

The author of Knuffle Bunny and the Pigeon Books teaches students how to draw some of his famous characters.  These would make great story starters for students to write their own versions of his books.

Carmen Agra Deedy 

The author of Rita and Ralph's Rotten Day reads this story about two friends who are having trouble being friends.

Jon Scieszka 

The author of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs reads this outrageously funny "other version" of the famous tale of the three little pigs.  This is always one of my students' favorites!

RJ Palcacio 

Author RJ Palacio is reading her best selling book Wonder over on her Twitter page.  She reads a few chapters at a time.  I read this to my class every year, so they have been excited to hear from the author herself!

Peter H. Reynolds

The author of The Word Collector is sharing his read alouds on his Facebook page. He shares not only his own books, but books from other authors as well.

James Dean

The author of the Pete the Cat books goes live on his Instagram page  weekdays at 1:00 PM EST to read his groovy books!

Jarrett J. Lrosoczka 

The author of the Lunch Lady and Jedi Academy series has drawing lessons on his YouTube channel.

Kate Messner

Author Kate Messner shares a read-aloud of The Next President: The Unexpected Beginnings and Unwritten Future of America's Presidents along with several other of her books on her YouTube channel

She is also sharing a book club with her chapter book, Ranger in Time: Rescue on the Oregon Trail.  Students can ask her questions about the book or writing as well.

Dav Pilkey

The author of much loved series like Captain Underpants, Dog Man, and Ricky Ricotta has a web page called Dav Pilkey at Home where he shares drawing lessons, excerpts from his books, writing prompts, and more!  If your students LOVE Dav Pilkey as much as mine do, they will love this site!

Chris Van Dusen

Author and illustrator, Chris Van Dusen, shares some drawing lessons and reads A Piglet Named Mercy (which he illustrated) on his Instagram.  He also has how to videos of drawing many of his characters on his YouTube page.

Jamie Lee Curtis  

The author shares her book Is There Really a Human Race? on the Instagram page, Save with Stories.  They also have a ton of other read alouds from authors and actors!

Lauren Tarshis 


The author of the amazing I Survived series is sharing a read aloud of her I Survived The Destruction of Pompeii, AD 79 chapter book.  The first two chapters are in the video above, but you can find all of the chapters on the Scholastic YouTube page.

While it's not necessarily the author for this series, Daniel Radcliffe and other well known actors are reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.  

Have you seen any other author's reading books?  Leave a comment below.

Before you go, head on over to enter one of our giveaways!

The Best Book Deals this Week

One of the positive side effects of being stuck at home is that we have more time to read.  I know I have been, and so have many of my students as well! 

If you are looking for some new reading material for you or your students, here are some great book deals going on now!

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  


I've been working on The Miracle Morning for Teachers which is available for FREE with Kindle Unlimited right now.

My students have been big fans of Pax, and so are many others as it has won a ton of awards! You can get the Kindle version for under $2 right now!

My students also love graphic novels, so they will love seeing Click on Kindle unlimited for free! It's all about finding friendships in middle school and seeing where you "click".  It's a perfect read for your Smile fans!

I first read The Handmaid's Tale when I was in high school, and after watching the series on Hulu, I've been wanting to read it again.  It's a great time to get it now while it is free on Kindle Unlimited!

Mercy Watson is a BIG hit in our classroom!  I love that my students can read Mercy Watson to the Rescue for FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

What books have you been reading while you are staying at home? Leave a comment below to let me know!  I am always looking for new books to read!

And before you go, head on over to enter one of our giveaways!

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