Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Whole Brain Teaching - The First Hour

Ahhh... I have now survived day 2 of the new school year!  I was super exhausted yesterday, but today wasn't quite as bad.  I am using Whole Brain Teaching for the second year now, and I love it!
If you have been wanting to give it a try, but aren't quite sure what to do, here are a few tips for starting with your class.  By the way, you don't have to wait until the beginning of a new year to try it out, you can really start anytime.

Anyway, here is a video from Chris Biffle explaining the first ten minutes of implementing Whole Brain Teaching along with a few of my own implementations.

Chris Biffle suggests that the first lesson be conducted in the hallway before entering the room.  At my school, our students come straight to our room from recess (or are brought in early by their parents) so we are not able to do this. 

I had morning work placed at each student’s desk (with their nametag).  On the Smart Board were the following directions:

I want them to get in the routine of what will be expected in class every day.  They will come in and get started right away.  This fits with the Whole Brain Teaching idea of creating urgency – we don’t have one minute to waste in the morning.  I also have incorporated his idea of letting the students know that I am happy to see them, and I have used the word please as Biffle suggests.
Once I was ready to begin teaching (when all of the students had filtered in and the morning announcements and pledge were over). I started the lesson suggested by Chris Biffle for the first 10 minutes of class.  You can download a copy of the script I used this year here.  Feel free to make it your own and practice, practice, practice until it feels natural.
The agenda was posted on the board and looked like this:

Do you use Whole Brain Teaching in your class?  Do you have any questions or concerns about using Whole Brain Teaching?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

To Do (Before The First Day of School) Linky

Sometimes I think I have a bit of adult ADHD - I have a million ideas swirling in my head, then I start on one project and another idea pops in my head.  But... I also love crossing things off to do lists, so, I decided to link up with Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies to keep on track and accountable.  I also find things on other people's list that I forgot which helps a ton!

Classroom Décor:
1. Pack up and move rooms (I am looping to 4th grade with my class)
2. Clean and rearrange furniture in new room
3. Finish New Daily 5 Signs and I-Charts to match new theme
4. Print out and laminate New Daily 5 Signs and I-Charts
5.  Print out and laminate Whole Brain Teaching Signs
6. Create, print out and laminate Scoreboard with new theme
7. Decorate

Lesson Planning/Paperwork:
1. Type up new procedures to teach
2. Labels for Interactive Notebooks
3. Re-do Intro Letter, behavior letter, and Star Homework form
4. Copy morning work for first month
5. Print out library labels
6. Library basket
7. First week lesson plans
8. Finish unit plans for math and ELA
9. Finish unit plans for science and social studies
10. Get Large Paper bags for student supplies
11. Make copies of student supply lists (2 per student - 1 to send home, 1 to keep track)
12. Print, copy, and prep student planners
13. Create, print out, and laminate learning scales for 4th grade
14. Sharpen pencils

Monday, August 27, 2012

Favorite Back To School Reads

Week one is in the bag!  Today I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' to share my favorite back to school books and a giveaway!

If you link up your favorite books, you can win $50 from the Clever School Teacher. Here's what you need to do:
1. Link up your favorite back to school books with Blog Hoppin'. 

2. Link up your blog post, not just URL

3. Display the graphic above in your post.
So without further ado, here are a few of the books I read to my third graders last week:
We all have jitters about the first day of school (even us teachers) and this is a great book to talk about just that!

 Reading about Mean Jean the Recess Queen is a great way to begin a chat about recess rules and expectations.

The Wednesday Surprise is a great book to talk about the importance of reading.  A few of my third graders said they read it last year, but they were surprised by the ending, so I wonder if they really understood it last year.

What are some of your favorites?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Top 5 Teacher Must Haves - Linky Party

I'm linking up with Kelley, from Teacher Idea Factory and Rachelle, from Life is Sweet...In Kindergarten. They are both having linky parties, where everyone can showcase some of the resources we have that we simply cannot do without.

Here are my current Top 5 School Resources
 I Can't Live Without...
My Staples Desk Apprentice - my hubby bought me for Valentine's Day because he knows that I am an office supply addict!  You can fit so much into this baby!

I love my Mr. Sketch markers. Here's why: They are great for making anchor charts and even the most reluctant of students is willing to add a comment or an answer when you bribe them with the smelly markers.  Even my 7th graders would jump at the chance to solve a problem if I let them use these markers!

Staples #2 Magnetic Bulldog ClipsThese bulldog clips are an absolute must for keeping current anchor charts on the board!  I think I have a zillion of these because I was always losing them around my classroom.  A few of my students bought me some for Christmas because they could feel my pain :) Love these!

Scotch Thermal Laminator 15.5 Inches x 6.75 Inches x 3.75 Inches, 2 Roller System (TL901)My Scotch laminator and I have become best friends this summer as I am laminating mad with all of the decorations and games I am making from my blog stalking and Pinterest addictions.  My only peeve - my Wal-Mart in town has been sold out of the sleeves for the past two weeks and I am seriously worried that I might run out before my laminating spree is over :(  And even though I have promised hubby that I am done with most of my back to school shopping, I may have to sneak a few boxes in tomorrow when we go into town.

SOLD OUT! Teacher Special (Buy 3 for only $17.99 each)My pencil sharpener!  I think I've mentioned before that I HATE the sound of the pencil sharpener - so this was a life saver!  It is so quiet I think I might let them sharpen all day long (well, not really).  I was given a free one to review - (GIVEAWAY coming up - hint, hint) and I LOVE it!  I am thinking about buying a few for my teacher friends for Christmas (shhh!) - so worth it though!

What products and resources can you not live without? 
Come and link up, too!  I can't wait to see your ideas!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kiss First Day Jitters...Goodbye Linky Party!!!

I am joining Mrs. Saunder's Lovelies with her Kiss First Day Jitters Goodbye Linky Party.  The purpose of the linky is to alleviate those first day jitters with a checklist of all of those procedures you want to remember to teach your new students.  It is always a challenge to leave your well trained students from the year before to meet a whole new set who don't know what your expectations are.

Here are a few of the things I need to remember to teach:

1. The class rules - I will be using the 5 from Whole Brain Teaching (Google it - AMAZING)
        1. Follow directions quickly
        2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
        3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
        4. Make smart choices!
        5. Make your dear teacher happy!

2. Pencil rules - I HATE the sound of the pencil sharpener, so I keep tons on hand for them to exchange.

3. Lining up and hallway expectations.  I am a stickler for not disturbing other classes.

4. Lunchroom behavior - when I student taught in elementary we ate with the students for the first week to model expected behaviors. If my new school allows this I will do it again.

5. Daily 5 procedures.

6. Beginning of the day procedures - I like to have the students work on something when they come in to make that transition to this is class time.

7. Morning Meeting Procedures - I plan on incorporating this in this year, so I will need to teach the expectations for greeting, sharing, morning message, and group activity.

What are your beginning of the year procedures?  Link up!

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