It has been awhile since I've joined in with DoodleBugsTeaching for Five for Friday, but since I have the day off today in honor of Nevada Day, I really have no excuse not to!
In Nevada, we celebrate Nevada Day the Friday before the official Nevada Day (October 31st). So, since today is a day off of school, we had our Halloween celebrations yesterday. The kids had a blast! I am not going to lie and say that Halloween is NOT my favorite day of the year as a teacher, but I do enjoy seeing them have a good time.
Because today is a holiday, we took our weekly math tests yesterday morning. You could imagine my students' surprise when our principal (dressed as Sandra D), vice principal (dressed as a T-bird) , school secretaries (Pink Ladies), and school counselor (T-bird) burst into our room singing and dancing.
They had a little speaker with them that was playing You're The
One I Want from Grease as they came in. My students just sat there in shock. As they walked out one of them said, "I think that song was from a movie." LOL!
I was able to attend the NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) conference last week and learned so much! I can't wait to share the ideas with my students and also with you here on the blog. Stay tuned to Sunday's blog post for the science lesson I used with my students this week.
We have had a crazy few weeks as a family as well with Tyler's first Homecoming and Cody's first band concert.
In honor of Nevada Day, some of my fellow Nevada sellers have gotten together to throw a sale at our TPT stores. My sale is running today and tomorrow. You can visit my TpT store here.

Hope you have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!