Summer is here, but that doesn't mean all of us teachers aren't working! I think many of us work harder in the summer getting things ready for the upcoming year. I know this because Monday Made It is always full of evidence of it!
Here are a few of the things I have made this week:

Ok, I have jumped on the spray painting band wagon! I have these containers where I keep all of my supplies, but the covers were getting a little dingy from all the little hands touching them.
They may have even been a little extra loved on and decorated. Gotta love 4th grade humor right???
Anyway... I had thought about bringing them home to scrub with some Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, but then I saw everyone in bloggy world spray painting the heck out of everything they could get their hands on, so I decided, why not?
Luke also decided to join the spray painting party. He had us spray paint his pegs for his bike (they were silver) so that it matches. He may have gotten the matching OCD thing from me..

I also managed to make my new Whole Brain Teaching 5 Rules posters to match my room. The matching OCD thing.. I still need to cut around the laminate and hang them up, but they are made!

And.. I managed to give my TpT store a little love with 2 new products!


Both of these products were flash freebies this weekend, and I let my Facebook fans know about it. If you aren't already following me on Facebook, make sure you do to find out about flash freebies like this one!
And speaking of following, make sure you are following me on Bloglovin' as well. I have a big 500 follower giveaway coming up that you don't want to miss! I am already a bit over 500 followers on TpT and I am getting close on Bloglovin' I would love to be at 500 on both by July 5th (hint, hint).
Make sure you link up to 4th Grade Frolics and show us what you've made! If you don't know how to link up, check out the tutorial on linking up to linky parties I wrote yesterday.