Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Best Book Deals this Week September 20, 2020

I often get lots of questions from other teachers about building a classroom library without breaking the bank, so each week, I share 4-7 books that are on sale right now. I also share books that YOU might like to read as well!

If you see other great deals, I'd love if you would let me know about them!

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  


If your students were fans of the book, Front Desk by Kelly Yang, they will be excited to read the sequel, Three Keys!  The book continues the story of Mia and her family and friends at the Calvista Motel.  Your students will love reading how Mia overcomes the challenges of 6th grade, a new immigration law, and trouble with the motel business!

My Little Golden Book About Ruth Bader Ginsburg is scheduled to be released in January of 2021.  With Amazon's Pre-Order Price Guarantee you will lock in the lowest price if you pre-order it.  This book is a great way to introduce your young students to a remarkable woman and role model!

If you are a fan of organizing all of the things, or you really need someone to help you organize all of the the things, you will love The Home Edit Life: The No Guilt Guide to Owning What You Want and Organizing Everything.  I have been hooked on the Home Edit's Instagram feed for awhile now, and I love the new show on Netflix!  If you are a fan too, you will want to grab this book while it's on sale!

By the way, I am one of those people who desperately needs help organizing! LOL!

Jeff Kinney has another Diary of a Not so Wimpy Kid book releasing in October!  I can never keep these books on my shelf!  In The Deep End   Greg Hefley and his family hit the road for a cross country camping trip.  But, just like all of the other books, trouble and hilarity ensue!

I have loved every book ever written by Jodi Picoult, so I was super excited to see that here newest book, The Book of Two Ways was on sale this week! It's about a woman who gets in a plane crash, but as she braces herself for the crash, it is not her husband who comes to her mind, but instead a man she hasn't seen in fifteen years.  She survives the crash, but not all of the doubts that have suddenly been raised!

What books have you been reading lately? Leave a comment below to let me know!  I am always looking for new books to read!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Teacher Giveaway! Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway September 21, 2020

                                                    Teacher Giveaway

This Giveaway is Over!  Please visit our Giveaway page to enter our current giveaway.   Sign up HERE to be alerted about all of our future giveaways!

Teacher Giveaway - Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers gift card giveaway

Every week one lucky teacher gets to go on a Teachers pay Teachers shopping spree!  Will it be you this week?

weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway


Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card 

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 9/28/20 and is open worldwide.  

Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! 

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Best Book Deals this Week September 13, 2020

I often get lots of questions from other teachers about building a classroom library without breaking the bank, so each week, I share 4-7 books that are on sale right now. I also share books that YOU might like to read as well!

If you see other great deals, I'd love if you would let me know about them!

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  


I am a HUGE Pete the Cat fan!  I just love the repetition and message in the book.  It is a great lesson for students that even when things go bad, they can control their reaction and attitude about it.  You can get the book for over 1/2 off right now!  The Kindle Unlimited version is FREE right now!

This book would make a great mentor text for a writing lesson as well using the pattern!


Ella Enchanted is a Newberry medal winner about a little girl who is born with the "gift" of obedience. She must follow any order whether it is as silly as hopping on one foot, or as serious as chopping her own head off! If you have a fairy tale fan on your hands, they will love this one!  The Kindle version is on sale for under $2, OR you can read it free with Kindle Unlimited!

I love reading books by Barbara O'Conner, and Wish is no exception! Your animal lovers will LOVE this book about a little girl who makes the same wish every night until a little dog named Wishbone comes into her life!

The Creator of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Jeff Kinney, just released the second in the series of books told from the point of view of Greg Heffley's best friend, Rowley.  

Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure has Rowley telling a story about Roland and his best friend Garg the Barbarian, who go on an epic adventure to save Roland's mom.  Your Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans will love this one too!

What books have you been reading lately? Leave a comment below to let me know!  I am always looking for new books to read!

Teacher Giveaway! Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway September 14, 2020

                                                      Teacher Giveaway

This Giveaway is Over!  Please visit our Giveaway page to enter our current giveaway.   Sign up HERE to be alerted about all of our future giveaways!

Teacher Giveaway - Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers gift card giveaway

Every week one lucky teacher gets to go on a Teachers pay Teachers shopping spree!  Will it be you this week?


Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card 

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 9/21/20 and is open worldwide.  

Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Total Physical Response Strategy for Vocabulary Words

I have had the great opportunity of being able to work with several ELL teachers who have pushed in my class to co-teach. One technique I have used with English Language Learners for learning vocabulary words is Total Physical Response.  The best part?  It works for ALL students!

What is Total Physical Response?

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a strategy or method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts to students using physical movement to react to verbal input.

Why Use Total Physical Response?

Total Physical Response mimics the way students learn their first language as infants, so, it is non-threatening.  It lowers students inhibitions and stress levels.  Having all students participate makes the English Language Learners not feel singled out.

How can teachers use Total Physical Response Strategies in the Classroom?

Step 1: Prepare. 

Select the vocabulary words that you are going to choose. I often pull words in a text we are going to read that I know students might struggle with.  This could include subject specific words such as area in math or words that are not commonly used such as accurate.

Gather any equipment, props, or pictures (often referred to as realia) that you will need to illustrate the meaning of the words you have chosen. 

Step 2: Teacher Modeling. 

Say the new vocabulary word out loud for the students. I like to have the word written or typed out on a card that will later go on our word wall. This allows the students to make a connection between the written and oral word.

As you say the word, use gestures, facial expressions, body movements, or props to define the word as you say it.

Step 3: Student Modeling. 

Have student volunteers mimic the same movements you made as you say the vocabulary word out loud. 

Step 4: Student Participation. 

Have all students mimic the movements as they say the vocabulary word out loud.  I like to use the Whole Brain Teaching method of Teach Okay for this.

Step 5: Repetition and Practice.

This is probably the most important step, so don't forget to use the words often! Review and practice words with students multiple times to ensure learning.  Recycle the words into future lessons so that students have repeated practice and multiple exposures to the new word.  

I often give my students bonus team points when they find the word in their reading or use it in their writing.  They LOVE finding them, and it encourages the use of their new vocabulary words.

More Total Physical Response Strategy Resources:

Here is another great video of  the Total Physical Response Strategy in action. I love the idea of having students create their own motions!

An Introduction to Total Physical Response (and four activities to try)

Have you used Total Physical Response in your classroom?  I would love to hear about it in the comments below!


Friday, September 11, 2020

Books to Teach About 9/11

Most teachers will never forget where we were or how we felt on September 11, 2001, but for our students, it is an historical event that happened before they were even born! Here are some ideas of books to read to your students to teach them about 9/11.

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using one of my links, which helps to support the blog.  All opinions are my own and I only promote brands and products that I have used myself and truly love.  

This picture book tells the true story of a gift given to the United States by a tribe of Maasai Warriors after the September 11 attacks.  

Warrior, Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah, returns home to his Kenyan Village from New York City in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. One of the children asks him if he has any stories.  Kimeli proceeds to tell him the story of the attack on the Twin Towers.

An elder asks, "What can we do for these poor people?"

Kimeli says that he wants to gift his only cow (a highly prized possession in his tribe) and asks for the elder's blessing.  They give their blessing along with 13 more cows.

When an American ambassador comes to the village to receive the gift, the Maasai present the cows with the words "because there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded, nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort." 

Written by Don Brown, this books tells what happened during the attacks in chronological order in a straight forward and sensitive way. The illustrations and details in the narrative help students to understand both the emotions and significance of the events that happened on September 11th.  

The John J. Harvey which launched in 1931, was the largest, fastest, shiniest boat of it's time.  It served the City of New York as a fire boat capable of pumping up to 18,000 gallons of water in a minute!  In 1994 the ship was retired, but was saved from the scrap yard by a dedicated group of volunteers.  The volunteers turned the fire boat into a museum and education center.

But, on September 11, 2001, the boat was put back into service to battle the flames caused by the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers.

This book tells the story of this remarkable boat.

I like this book because it reminds me of the Fred Rogers quote about helpers.

Why Mister Rogers' Plea To 'Look For The Helpers' Still Resonates Today |  HuffPost Life


This is another great example of looking towards the heroes and helpers! This book tells the story of Welles Remy Crowther, an equity trader and volunteer firefighter who worked in the World Trade Center on that fateful day of the attacks. With no thought of himself, he saved numerous people from the upper floors of the World Trade Center South Tower.

This book gives a glimpse into how magnificent the Twin Towers were before the tragedy struck.  It tells the story of a French aerialist, Philipe Petit, who in 1974, threw a tightrope between the two towers of the World Trade Center and spent almost an hour doing acrobatic tricks a quarter mile away from the ground! 

If you have students who would like to read more about 9/11, my students have loved the following two chapter books as well!

My students always love the I Survived series, and this one was no different. This book tells the story of Lucas, whose father is a fire fighter.  Lucas isn't supposed to be in Manhattan on 9/11, but he was.  This book tells the story of what he sees and experiences during the event.

This is another book from a series, in particular the What Was series. It tells the story of the Twin Towers - how they came to be the tallest buildings in the world, and how they were destroyed.

Do you have any other suggestions for books to teach students about September 11th?  I'd love to hear in the comments below!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Teacher Giveaway! Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway September 7, 2020

Teacher Giveaway

This Giveaway is Over!  Please visit our Giveaway page to enter our current giveaway.   Sign up HERE to be alerted about all of our future giveaways!

Teacher Giveaway - Weekly $25 Teachers pay Teachers gift card giveaway

Every week one lucky teacher gets to go on a Teachers pay Teachers shopping spree!  Will it be you this week?


Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card 

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.  Giveaway ends 9/14/20 and is open worldwide.  

Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media?  Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! 

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