Wednesday, June 17, 2015

TpT Seller Challenge Week 1 - Makeover Madness

I am participating in the TpT Seller Challenge with oh just about 1,000 of my closest blogging friends. Seriously, the participation has been amazing!  Anyway, our first challenge is to give one or more of our products some makeover love.  I have been selling on TpT since 2007, so some of my first products are looking outdated and in need of some attention!

I have chosen two to highlight today:

One of my first products, my Capitalization Rules Packet is a great seller, but it was looking a bit scary...

You can find the new and improved version here, and it is on sale for the rest of the week!

The next product is another oldie.

You can find this new and improved Relating Multiplication to Division Game at my store for the bargain price of $1!

What do you think of my changes?

If you are also a seller participating in this challenge - please leave a link to your post in the comments so I can check yours out as well!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Elementary School Blogs - I am Featured

One of my favorite things about summer is having extra time to peruse teaching blogs for new ideas.  I always love finding new bloggers and most importantly great, new ideas.  I am so excited to let you know about a new teaching blog "newspaper" called Elementary School Blogs which features new posts from bloggers everyday in one place!  I have already found some great new blogs to follow, and I know you will too!  Head on over to check it out!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Learn Like a Pirate - Common Concerns About Student - Led Classrooms

I am following along with The Primary Gal's book study of Learn Like a Pirate by Paul Solarz.

As I said before in my thoughts on chapter 1 I do have some concerns about having a student-led classroom.  Luckily, the author addresses these concerns (and others) in this second chapter.  Solarz acknowledges that the decision to transition to a student-led classroom can be a challenging one, but he assures that switching methods has eliminated more challenges than it has created.  He also believes that student-led classrooms result in greater engagement, and subsequently greater gains.

Paul Solarz addresses the biggest concern right off the bat.  He recognizes that it is hard to relinquish control, but he says that you are not really giving it up.  Students know that ultimately the teacher's say is final, but the teacher chooses not to interfere with most of the students decisions because we want them to learn from their mistakes.  It is important to encourage your students to be risk takers rather than followers.

Just like our students learn from mistakes, so do we.  Solarz says that mistakes are a healthy part of the learning process.  Our students need us to model a healthy reaction to making mistakes so that they learn to be comfortable with handling their own mistakes.

If you are anything like me, the one thing you can never have enough of in your classroom is time!  It always seems like there are just not enough hours to get everything in!  Will allowing my students to run the show waste even more time?  Solarz says, no. it will actually save time by maximizing time-on-task, making transitions more efficient, and integrating subjects.

Even with my concerns, I  believe this to be true, so I am excited to keep learning and even to make mistakes as I try this out.

What concerns do you have?  Are you as excited to try this as I am?  Join us in this book study and chime in!

If you would like to see my thoughts from other chapters, check them out below:

Chapter 1 - What is a Student-Led Classroom?


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Learn Like a Pirate - What Is a Student Led Classroom?

I am linking up with The Primary Gal for this book study for Learn Like a Pirate by Paul Solarz.

I absolutely love that the book opens with this quote!  This new era of testing and testing and more testing has me thinking that we have gone way too far on the pendulum.  Don't get me wrong, I do think students and teachers need some accountability, but I do think we also need to remember why we are teaching in the first place.  Are we teaching students to be successful on one test or are we teaching them to mature academically, socially, and emotionally.  Paul Solarz says that is the latter. He believes that students need to become risk takers, to make creative decision, and to work well with others.  Unfortunately, he says the current state of education tends to stifle rather than foster these traits.

Learn Like a Pirate challenges teachers to veer from the current education models.  It is the author's belief that with the proper motivation and appropriate amount of freedom, students will rise to the challenge and impress you.  He says that even the youngest students will benefit from opportunities to run portions of their studies, take initiative, and develop leadership school.

I have always been the type of teacher that is just a little different than the rest.  My classroom rarely looks like other classes where the students sit in rows quietly working on worksheets.  My students spread out all over the room, sometimes lying on the floor, sometimes on a stool, doing their work. And, they are rarely quiet.  We talk a lot!  I cringe every time someone walks in the room wondering what they must be thinking.  Are they judging because it isn't silent, or do they get it?

Even though my classroom runs a bit more student centered, I paused when I read this..

Students don't consult the teacher? What?!? I continued to read and think and was reassured when Solarz says that although "everyone in the classroom appears to have equal power and equal say in what happens, everyone understands that the teacher's word is final." 

The author isn't suggesting complete anarchy, he is just suggesting changing the methods of delivering instruction so that the students are in charge of their own learning.  Isn't that what we want anyway, to create life long learners? 

He warns that it doesn't happen overnight and that it does take a commitment from both the teacher and the students, but that it will happen.  You will have a student-led classroom in which the students are inspired and empowered to take charge of their learning experience.

Well, I am definitely ready to keep reading and learn more about this new way of thinking.  If you also interested in learning more about this student-led environment, grab the book, and join us during this book study!

If you would like to see my thoughts from other chapters, check them out below:

Monday, June 8, 2015

Birthday Party Blog Hop at the Education Highway
Celeste from Education Highway is celebrating her birthday with a splashing blog hop!  We are celebrating with a blog hop featuring summer ideas, freebies, sales, and giveaways!
I have a fun little freebie for you that is only free during this hop!  Head over now to grab this freebie from my store.
Grammar Go Fish
Celeste has even put together an ebook all about the sponsors of this giveaway.  You can snag it here:
  And now for the giveaways!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to hop along for other great tips and freebies!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Monthly $25 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway & a Special Request

I am enjoying my summer vacation and the much needed time for relaxation!  But... that hasn't stopped me from planning, thinking about next year, and of course perusing Teachers pay Teachers for more products and ideas!  If you are anything like me, you would love to win a $25 Teachers Pay Teachers gift card!  Well, lucky you, because it is time for my monthly giveaway!  All you  have to do is use the Rafflecoptor below to enter.

Now onto, my special request... My son, Palmer is an aspiring film maker living in Los Angeles.  When he was in high school, he won the state competition in film making through his drama class.  you can view the film below (but be prepared with some tissues as you watch).

He is currently working on a new project and has a Kickstarter campaign going for it right now.  He has reached the funding level he needed to get the project off the ground, but is now hoping to reach one of his stretch goals, and to get the word out about his project. In order to do that, he needs to get as many donors as he can (even with small $1 and $5 donations). In fact, the more small donations he gets, the better in terms of getting his message out.  Would you take the time to check out his project? 
 If you would be so inclined to share it and donate to the campaign I would greatly appreciate it! I will sweeten the deal by giving you a FREE product!  If you donate $1 you may choose any item in my store for $5 or less.  If you donate $5 you may choose any item in my store for $10 or less. Simply email me at with the item you would like.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 4, 2015

End of the Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

Our school has quarterly awards ceremonies to honor students with perfect attendance, honor roll, citizenship, etc., but I wanted to do something a little different for the end of the year.  My own boys love the Kids' Choice Awards on Nickelodeon each year, so, I thought this would be a fun way to do my end of year awards/celebration.

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

The kids had an absolute blast as well!

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

We decorated our sad end of the year room with balloons (from Dollar Tree) and a red carpet (bulletin board paper).

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

One of the students wrote this on the board to kick us off.  I need to work on apostrophes apparently, but I have the same kiddos next year, so we have time! LOL!

The packet comes with pages for the students to vote for each other.  I asked them to vote for one of their classmates for each category.  The top nominees were then tallied by some of my fast finishers, and checked by me to make sure that each student received an award from their peers.  They really took the voting seriously and even had a few spirited debates.  I loved the time and thought they put into it.

In keeping with the Kids' Choice theme, I also had them run the show during the "ceremony".  Each student chose an award to give out.  I purchased small Dollar Tree items to go with each award.

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

The students really took their presenting jobs seriously and they were genuinely proud of each student award winner!
End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

I really got a kick out of how on the spot their winner choices were!
End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

This little one gave an acceptance speech!  Her category?

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

End of School Year Awards - Kids' Choice Awards

And, last but not least, my little fashionista who manages to look stylish even in uniform with her fabulous accessories and shoe changes! LOL!

Updated April 16, 2018

Since I posted this original blog post, I have created these adorable editable awards!

End of the Year Awards by Kelly Malloy Cover Page

End of the Year Awards Future Principal

End of the Year Awards

They come in both full color and black and white for your printing preference!

End of the School Year Awards

If you are still in school and looking for some end of year fun - try a Kids' Choice Awards!  

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