This is the view from my door:
On the other side of the room are my student's book boxes for Daily 5.
The other wall has our Daily 5 Wall and CRAFT wall. I will be adding I Charts underneath each section as I introduce them.
A closer look at the CRAFT board. Whenever another teacher comes in my room, I always get asked about where I got this, so I will let you know that I got it from Ladybug's Teaching Files.
Here is my doorway with the hand signals we use in class. I used these last year and love them! Students can ask me if they need to go to the bathroom, sharpen a pencil, etc. just by raising their hands. I can nod at them without interrupting work with other students. I got these from Clutter-Free Classroom here.
This is my Independent Math Station. We use Accelerated Math at our school, so I made this file box to put the student's work in for them to grab. They scan their work to grade, and then put completed work in that file for me to check later. I might also add skill sheets for extra practice as needed.
This is my favorite area of the classroom, the library. I love the chairs - they are super comfy, I almost want to keep one for myself! I got them at Wal-Mart.
In the background you can see my Power Pix wall for Language Arts for Whole Brain Teaching.
A close up of the Read sign. I painted the canvases this summer and am super proud of them!
Speaking of PowerPix, This is my Math side which is next to our daily schedule and underneath our 7 habits signs.
Close up of our 7 habits posters and our Whole Brain Teaching 5 Rules posters.
And finally my Smart Board! I didn't get a Smart Board until late last year, so I am excited to start out the year with this one!
I have added a bit to my classroom decorations since I took these pictures because I got a special package in the mail that I wasn't expecting.
It was from my Super Sweet Blogger Exchange Partner Amy! Amy blogs at The Teacher Next Door. She had already sent me some goodies that I posted about here. It was an awesome surprise because I was feeling a little Blech yesterday and this package made my day! I love how supportive the teaching Blogger community is! Both of the posters she sent are hanging outside my door- I just need to take a picture of them.