Thursday, August 15, 2013

Classroom Digs - A Tour of My Classroom

 I am super behind on this week's blog hoppin'!  We officially started back at work on Tuesday, and my family and I went to a baseball game at night and didn't get home until 11 - and then Wednesday was training all day and dinner with the hubby - so I have been too exhausted to blog.  Too exhausted and the kiddos haven't even arrived yet!  Yikes!  Anyway, catching up now with my classroom tour!


This is the view from my door:

On the other side of the room are my student's book boxes for Daily 5.

The other wall has our Daily 5 Wall and CRAFT wall.  I will be adding I Charts underneath each section as I introduce them.

A closer look at the CRAFT board.  Whenever another teacher comes in my room, I always get asked about where I got this, so I will let you know that I got it from Ladybug's Teaching Files. 

Here is my doorway with the hand signals we use in class.  I used these last year and love them!  Students can ask me if they need to go to the bathroom, sharpen a pencil, etc. just by raising their hands.  I can nod at them without interrupting work with other students.  I got these from Clutter-Free Classroom here.

This is my Independent Math Station.  We use Accelerated Math at our school, so I made this file box to put the student's work in for them to grab.  They scan their work to grade, and then put completed work in that file for me to check later. I might also add skill sheets for extra practice as needed.

This is my favorite area of the classroom, the library.  I love the chairs - they are super comfy, I almost want to keep one for myself!  I got them at Wal-Mart.

In the background you can see my Power Pix wall for Language Arts for Whole Brain Teaching.

A close up of the Read sign. I painted the canvases this summer and am super proud of them!

Speaking of PowerPix, This is my Math side which is next to our daily schedule and underneath our 7 habits signs.

Close up of our 7 habits posters and our Whole Brain Teaching 5 Rules posters.
And finally my Smart Board!  I didn't get a Smart Board until late last year, so I am excited to start out the year with this one!

I have added a bit to my classroom decorations since I took these pictures because I got a special package in the mail that I wasn't expecting.

It was from my Super Sweet Blogger Exchange Partner Amy! Amy  blogs at The Teacher Next Door.  She had already sent me some goodies that I posted about here. It was an awesome surprise because I was feeling a little Blech yesterday and this package made my day!  I love how supportive the teaching Blogger community is! Both of the posters she sent are hanging outside my door- I just need to take a picture of them.
The Teacher Next Door

Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week '13: Let's Talk About Me

I am excited to join in the fun this year for Teacher Week at Blog Hoppin'! Each day there will be a different linky party with a "hot teacher topic".


1. I am the mom to 6 amazing boys!  They are Parker - 20, Powell - 18, Palmer - 17, Tyler - 12, Cody - 11 and Luke - 7.  We only have 4 boys living at home with us now, and will soon be down to 3 :(  It goes by so fast!

Us and the younger 4
My oldest - a self-portrait.
My second oldest graduating high school.  This was a big accomplishment as he earned a standard diploma despite being in special education with multiple disabilities (he has fragile-x syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy).
2. I am married to the most amazing man ever!  This is Ryan and I on our wedding day - we look like babies!  He encourages me in all I do and like most teacher's husbands spends way too much time in my classroom helping me out!
3. We got married in Lake Tahoe - which is where I was lucky enough to have grown up! We still spend a lot of time there each year enjoying the lake in the summer and skiing in the winter.
4. Other than our boy children, we also have a ton of pet babies - 3 dogs, a cat, a lizard, three frogs, and a fish.
5. I am on the city council where I live.  I am currently serving my second term.  I was the first woman and youngest person ever elected.
6. I am super addicted to Starbucks.  When I started eating healthier this year I gave up sugar and soda, but could not part with Starbucks.
7. I recently became a "grandma" the other day when my youngest discovered Build A Bear Workshop.  Oh my Goodness!  This is Baxter:
Baxter has glasses, two pairs of shoes, and two outfits.  He also has a bed, pajamas, slippers, a Steeler's Uniform, a car, and roller skates on his wish list.  I joked to my husband that now I know what it would have been like to have a girl who was into dolls.
8. I don't watch a lot of tv, but I do have one guilty pleasure - Dance Moms.  I don't know what it is, maybe it reminds me of my childhood - lol!
9. Most of my friends have been my friends - forever!  This is Amabelle who was the first friend I made when I went to school. This picture is from our 20 year reunion - YIKES!
10. I HATE getting my picture taken - I prefer to be behind the camera.  I was even camera shy when I was younger.
Well, now that you know a little bit more about me, click on the button below to learn more about some of your favorite bloggers!  If you have a blog, join up so we can learn more about you!



Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to School Blogger Exchange and Teacher's Notebook Sale!!

I was so excited to take part in a "Back to School Blogger Exchange" hosted by Adventures of Ms. Smith and Covered in Glitter and Glue this past month!  
I was partnered with a really sweet teacher named Amy who blogs at The Teacher Next Door.
The Teacher Next Door
 She actually lives in Japan which made the swap a learning experience - I got to fill out my very first customs form!  She sent me some adorable Peanuts items to fit in my new classroom theme!
I love this poster!  I laminated it and have it hanging on my door - a great way to greet my students as they walk in each morning (hopefully with a positive attitude)!
She also sent these cute Snoopy and family tabs to mark places in books -  I love these and will be using them to mark my place in Daily 5, CAFE, and the new Lucy Calkin units that I just ordered.  I also can't wait to tell the kiddos that these came from my friend in Japan!  Most of my students haven't been out of our state, so this will be fun for them.
Thank you so much Amy!
Have you heard about the Teacher's Notebook Product Bundles for sale now through August 18th?  Each bundle includes about $100 in teacher products geared toward a grade range for only about $20! Bundles are always a great way to save money and get some great products!
I have a product included in Bundle # 19
Can We Get A Class Pet? A Lesson in Persuasive Writing and Research
I also have a sale starting tomorrow on all of my Teacher's Notebook store items until August 18th in honor of Back to School.  You can save 20%!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Working in the Classroom Updates and A Contest!

I have had this picture pinned on Pinterest forever!

When I decided to do a Snoopy theme this year, I knew I wanted to re-create it Snoopy style!  I had  shown you some of the canvases in progress, but thanks to my 17 year old (and his height - I am super tiny - just under 5 feet), I finally got my display ready.  Here it is:

I love it!

Speaking of loving it... I also love contests, and Heather from Peacocks and Penguins is going to be having a CRAZY, amazing giveaway in honor of 300 followers! (She is only 7 followers away - so head over and join in the fun.)

Speaking of following, I hope you are following along because I will be sharing some Whole Brain Teaching Ideas in the next few days, and you won't want to miss it!  Plus, did I mention there will be some freebies?!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Randomness

This week has been crazy busy and a whole lot of random, so I thought today would be a gret time to get random with the Sunday Smorgasbord from Fabulous in First
I spent most of this week hard at work in my classroom getting my stuff organized after moving from one room to another room down the hall - I am changing grades again this year - lopping from third to fourth.
So this week my room went from this:
to this:
Not perfect or ready yet, but at least it's clean and I know where things are again.
In between cleaning, I worked on some painting for a classroom decoration idea I have.
I finally finished the pictures, so hopefully I will be able to squeeze in some time to get them hung up and ready to show the final product tomorrow.
Yesterday we went to San Francisco to take some new family photos.  I was able to snap a few pics of the boys with my phone, but I'm sure the professional ones will be so much better - I will share those when we get them:)
These are the 4 boys who are still living at home. Palmer (the one in the back who didn't get the wardrobe memo) graduates this year! Where does the time go?
Here are the three youngest:
At one point during the photo session, Luke, the youngest, fell in the ocean - he was a mess!  But... I still couldn't resist this shot of him:
After the photos were done, we went to an Oakland A's game.
Palmer looking super cool in shades:
Luke looking adorable:
The A's won, and it was a great family day - a perfect end of summer time!  Tomorrow is a crazy day with baseball camp, swim lessons, and Body Pump class! Oh and trying to squeeze some work in here and there because I go back to work in 10 days!!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Currently - August and TPT follower Giveaway!

August? What? Already????? School starts in 17 days!!!

Linking up with Farley for August Currently to lament celebrate the end of summer:

Listening: My boys have a friend spending the night and they are in their bedroom singing Cruise - too funny!

Loving: One of the parents of one of my students is a professional photographer and she will be shooting our new family pics (minus my two oldest boys who are grown up and moved away - sniff!) in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.  I will share pics when we get them. We will also be hitting an Oakland A's game while we are there.

Thinking, Wanting, and Needing: There is just never enough time to squeeze everything I want to get done in! I really should be tackling my to do list!

My Back to School Must Haves: 
 1. My 31 teacher bag - I would be lost without it.  It carries everything and keeps me nice and organized.

2. My personal laminator - I am not the only teacher at my school with a million things to do!  Sometimes having a personal laminator really comes in handy.

3. I love these Personal Word Walls I just got from TpT.  I can't wait to use them!

And now.... My contest!  Do you see the tab at the top of my blog that says $25 TpT Gift Certificate Monthly Giveaway?  I giveaway a gift certificate each month to a lucky TpT follower.  All you have to do is follow me on TpT to be eligible!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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