Showing posts with label Whole Brain Teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whole Brain Teaching. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Whole Brain Teaching - The First Hour

Ahhh... I have now survived day 2 of the new school year!  I was super exhausted yesterday, but today wasn't quite as bad.  I am using Whole Brain Teaching for the second year now, and I love it!
If you have been wanting to give it a try, but aren't quite sure what to do, here are a few tips for starting with your class.  By the way, you don't have to wait until the beginning of a new year to try it out, you can really start anytime.

Anyway, here is a video from Chris Biffle explaining the first ten minutes of implementing Whole Brain Teaching along with a few of my own implementations.

Chris Biffle suggests that the first lesson be conducted in the hallway before entering the room.  At my school, our students come straight to our room from recess (or are brought in early by their parents) so we are not able to do this. 

I had morning work placed at each student’s desk (with their nametag).  On the Smart Board were the following directions:

I want them to get in the routine of what will be expected in class every day.  They will come in and get started right away.  This fits with the Whole Brain Teaching idea of creating urgency – we don’t have one minute to waste in the morning.  I also have incorporated his idea of letting the students know that I am happy to see them, and I have used the word please as Biffle suggests.
Once I was ready to begin teaching (when all of the students had filtered in and the morning announcements and pledge were over). I started the lesson suggested by Chris Biffle for the first 10 minutes of class.  You can download a copy of the script I used this year here.  Feel free to make it your own and practice, practice, practice until it feels natural.
The agenda was posted on the board and looked like this:

Do you use Whole Brain Teaching in your class?  Do you have any questions or concerns about using Whole Brain Teaching?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Made It

When I was a little girl, I carried around a Snoopy doll everywhere I went.  I might have even said that I was going to marry Snoopy.  So you could imagine my reaction when I saw the Peanuts line from Really Good Stuff.

Yes, I screamed and shouted really loud and asked hubby if he minded me changing my theme again this year.  He agreed and I ordered tons a few of the things they had.

But... I have a few classroom items that I use that I wanted to match, so for today's Monday Made It I wanted to show a few of the things I have been working on.  I haven't printed anything out or hung them up yet, but I have finished a few things on the computer.

The first thing I made were schedule cards.  My kiddos are constantly asking, "What time is recess?  What special do we have?" With schedule cards I can just direct their attention to the board.  They have to solve the elapsed time on their own!

I also use Whole Brain Teaching in my classroom, so I made the 5 rules Snoopy style as well.  Here are two of them:

They came out pretty stinkin' cute in my humble opinion!
I have also been hard at work on my place value unit for the beginning of the year.  It will be available at both TpT and Teachers Notebook when I finally finish it!
It has I Can Statements
Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards
Lesson Plans
And Assessments
I will let you know when I finish it... It is a monster of a project.  Also, don't forget to enter my contest to win a TpT gift certificate and other great prizes!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Three Star Homework - WBT Universal Homework Model

I have a love/hate relationship with homework.  I love the fact that students get an opportunity to practice the skills they are working on at home, but I hate the battle that not turning homework can turn into.  I also know as a parent that sometime very less than minimal effort goes into completing homework.  So, what to do? What to do?

I am completely and totally sold on the Whole Brain Teaching Method, and not suprisingly they had an answer to my dilemma - The Universal Homework Method.  You can watch the video below to hear Coach B explain it, and then I will explain what it is going to look like in my classroom.

Watch live streaming video from wholebrainteaching1 at

In my classroom, we will begin Star Homework during the second week of school.  They will receive the weekly form pictured below each Monday.  They will complete their choice of homework each night.  During morning meeting, I will briefly call out their names and will ask them to tell me how many stars they earned.  We will briefly cheer and give a ten finger cheer to those students who complete two or three stars.  We will then tally up the number of stars they have earned.

I will probably also use this as an extra math activity as well.  For example, "Class, we had 42 stars yesterday, we earned 48 stars today, how many stars should be in our tally now?" "How many more stars did we earn today?" " How many stars do we need to earn to have 103 stars tomorrow?"

I was inspired by the weekly form at  Third Grade Thoughts to create this Star Homework form.  You can download it and modify it to suit your needs for free here.

I am hoping that this will cause less stress regarding homework for myself, my students, and their parents!  I will keep you posted about how it is working.

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