Saturday, February 1, 2014

5 For Friday January 31, 2014 - With A Freebie!

Can you believe January is already over?  This year is already flying by!  Time for another Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

If you give a 4th grader your cell phone to practice their math facts, they are going to want to take their picture.  And.. if they want to take a picture, you are going to end up with a few of these:

Maybe a book idea?  LOL!  Maybe not, but, I definitely got a laugh out of it when I saw these a few days later!

Last week was Luke's birthday, and we celebrated this weekend with cake at his aunt's, fun at a fun center, Dave and Busters, and shopping at the mall.

Too much fun!

I got happy mail this week with our newest funded project from Donor's Choose.  This project was a class set of How to Steal a Dog.  I love Donor's Choose!  Have you ever submitted a project there?  What did you get?  I am looking for new ideas for my next project.

Freebie Fridays

I am also linking up for Freebie Friday with Teaching Blog Addict.

I have posted a new freebie, this I Have, Who Has, Groundhog themed mental math activity.  You can download it for free at my Teachers Pay Teachers store here or at my Teacher's Notebook store here.

I am super late posting this (it is actually Saturday!) but I have good reason.  I spent most of my night at Urgent Care because Cody has an ear infection and my hubby did this:

He tripped over some weights in our bedroom, and twisted his ankle pretty bad - luckily it is just a bad sprain, and he didn't break anything, but it wasn't a fun way to end the week :(

Don't forget to enter to win an Arc planner from Staples here.  You have a little less than 2 days to enter.  I absolutely love my planner!

And speaking of giveaways...

I am close to 300 followers on Teachers Pay Teachrs, bloglovin' and Teacher's Notebook, so I will be having a celebration giveaway.  I know that participating in other blogger's giveaways has had a big impact on my own follower growth!  In keeping with that, I would also like to collaborate with other bloggers and teacher stores for this giveaway.  If you would like to contribute, please fill out the form below.  As a THANK YOU for contributing, I will be giving everyone who contributes $10 worth of products of your choice from my store.

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