Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Together Teacher Giveaway and Book Study Announcement

When people meet me and find out that not only am I a teacher, but I am a mom of 6 boys, a city council member, a blogger, a Teachers Pay Teachers product creator, and a drama teacher, they always ask me the same question.  Where do you find the time?

The ugly truth is that I didn't always "find the time" and more often than I would like to admit, I dropped a ball or two as I tried to juggle this crazy thing we call life!  

Luckily, I found this amazing book, The Together Teacher that really helped me to get my life in order (and feel like I still have one despite my hectic schedule).  And although I have read the book several times (my book is embarrassing to look at!), I am going to go through it again this summer.  As I do, I want to host an informal, yet structured Together Teacher Book Club on the blog, and I would love for you to join me!

Interested, if so, here is my proposal:

Using the book, we will focus together on organizing the following areas of our teacher lives:

o Weekly Worksheets
o Email Management
o Paper Management
o Daily and Weekly Routines
o Meeting Notes

There will be some suggested pre-reading questions to think about as you read. We will focus on one chapter per week and will have several giveaways of products to help you get and stay organized!  If you have a blog, you can post on each chapter and link up, or you can just read and learn.  You can learn more about the author and the book here.

I’m also looking for co-hosts for the duration of the book study.  Being a co-host is simple… you sign up to host a chapter, post your thoughts, provide a linky for the giveaway and for others to add their posts. You don’t have to donate a prize, but you are more than welcome to if you would like.

The book study starts on July 23rd.. so you've got plenty of time to grab a copy of the book and get reading!  Even better, you can win a copy of the book by entering the Rafflecoptor below.  I'm also offereing a choice of any product from my TpT store to the winner as well.

“The Together Teacher” Series 

Make you you are following me on Bloglovin' to follow all the updates!  This series will help you get organized (enough) to be a more effective teacher.  You will find clear advice, and step-by-step actions for building habits, finding tools that work for you, and creating space to become a "Together Teacher". We will explore the key routines of Together Teachers - how they plan ahead, organize both work and their classrooms, and how they spend their free time.  We'll explore real teacher to-do lists, calendars, classroom photos, and more!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My biggest challenge will be going from departmentalized to self-contained and all of the additional prep that will go with it.

  2. I'd be happy to host if you need someone to! I NEED to do this study and the timing is great!! Let me know!
    Owl Things First

  3. I am sooo kicking myself for ordering a different book that had been on my Amazon wish list instead of this one because I forgot to change it! I heard about this book in a Facebook group, and was interested. Fingers crossed to win it! I look forward to the book discussion regardless. I want/need some ideas!

    1. My biggest challenge is that I tend to put too much on my plate to get accomplished in a short amount of time. Prioritizing is hard for me because I see everything is incomplete and needs to be finished, and I have a hard time choosing what to do first and letting go or postponing other things. I don't feel as streamlined as I used to be, or at least what I thought I used to be!

  4. Organizing all the paperwork and gradebook for kinder since most of our grades are based on observations.

  5. My biggest challenge is my library! It's huge!

  6. I just finished reading this book on my Kindle this summer. I'd be happy to host a chapter if you want the help. You can contact me via gmail at eberopolisblog@...

    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  7. This book looks great! I would love to host a chapter if you are still looking for people. Just let me know. Thanks.

    Luv My Kinders

  8. I have trouble staying organized.

  9. My biggest organizational challenge is sorting through all the handouts that I receive at the beginning of the day! I also have a problem with changing my mind on lessons. I am always searching for the BEST idea that I end up wasting HOURS researching.


  10. My biggest challenge is that this is my first year with a full time position. I will also be teaching a combo 4/5 class. I have some great ideas and I am also getting ideas from blogs and pinterest. I am excited for the coming year, but I would love to get more guidance on organization.

  11. My biggest challenge is that all of my students are all at such different levels - it is hard to get organized with so much differentiation!

  12. Sounds like a great book study! My greatest difficulty so my family does not take a back see to school obligations.
