Monday, June 2, 2014

Made It Monday - How to Build Your Own Reading Ottomans For Your Classroom Student Project

I purchased some small reading Ottomans from Wal-Mart last year and they were broken during the first month that I had them.  One of my parents offered to take them home to try to repair them.  The repair never happened, but what did was so much better.  The couple came into our classroom to help us make our own.  The kids had a blast and learned so much from the experience.  Students from other classes peeked into our room and said, "You have woodshop in your class? Lucky!"  Here are a few of the pictures of the work in progress along with the final products.

Here is the link to the directions.

I am linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It!  Stop by and see what everyone else made!


  1. THAT. IS. AWESOME. I'm so impressed!!

  2. Think Katie stated it perfect! Talk about connecting learning to life....
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  3. I'm sure the kids had a blast! Great idea :)

    A Very Curious Class

  4. That's awesome to have the kids involved!

  5. Those are great and LOVE that you did it with the kiddos:) Thanks for linking up:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  6. That is awesome. What great lessons to learn while having so much fun!!

  7. That is awesome. What great lessons to learn while having so much fun!!

  8. So cool!! Thanks for sharing... they all look so thrilled in their creations!

    Tales of a Teacher

  9. That is awesome! Its great that the kids got to see the process of building something from scratch! That's rare nowadays!

    Surprisingly Seventh
