Monday, September 2, 2013

September Currently

My poor neglected blog!  The past two weeks have been so busy with back to school craziness that I have not had time or energy to blog at all!  Luckily, it is September, and Farley has come to the rescue with her Currently!  They are so easy to do - even the most energy zapped among us can do it!


  1. Ooh I love your third thing for you. I need to leave work at work, and picking one night to not bring anything home will be the perfect way to ease into it. I might have to steal that.
    Hope you have a great short week!

  2. Hi I found you in the link up for Currently. I'd love every weekend to be a 3-day! I just notice you had a Daily5/Café button. I am going to check it out. Our 4th grade team is piloting Daily 5 this year at our school! I am excited to get started!

    Mrs. Bucaroff's Fantastic Fourth
