Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Working in the Classroom Updates and A Contest!

I have had this picture pinned on Pinterest forever!

When I decided to do a Snoopy theme this year, I knew I wanted to re-create it Snoopy style!  I had  shown you some of the canvases in progress, but thanks to my 17 year old (and his height - I am super tiny - just under 5 feet), I finally got my display ready.  Here it is:

I love it!

Speaking of loving it... I also love contests, and Heather from Peacocks and Penguins is going to be having a CRAZY, amazing giveaway in honor of 300 followers! (She is only 7 followers away - so head over and join in the fun.)

Speaking of following, I hope you are following along because I will be sharing some Whole Brain Teaching Ideas in the next few days, and you won't want to miss it!  Plus, did I mention there will be some freebies?!

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