Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Best Items On TpT------ A Linky Party

I am linking up with Classroom Confections for this fun linky that highlights the items that are on the tops of everyone's Wish lists on TpT.  I know my list is scary long!

The item of mine that is on the most wish lists is my 3rd Grade Math Journals.  (I didn't even know you could check this out on TpT - but if you filter your products by wish list you can figure this out!).

My Third Grade Math Journal Contains 4 different prompts for each of the third grade math common core standards!
And... Because I will be rolling with my kiddos up to 4th grade next year, I also made a set of 4th grade math journals as well!
What items have you made that top the wish lists? Link up and share!

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