Tuesday, January 1, 2013

See The Good: A 365 Photo Project #edugood

I love Krissy's project and I have decided to participate. I love the idea of looking for the good in education and then snapping pics of it to appreciate and share. Her suggestions for the month of January are up, but you can take a picture of anything that you notice or that inspires you.

Day 1 is New Year New Goals

In keeping with one of my goals of losing weight and using the treadmill for 20 minutes each day, I decided to snap a picture of the treadmill hubby got me for Christmas.  As a busy mom it is so hard to sneak in some time to take care of myself, but hopefully having this at home will help me multi-task - I am still here if my family needs me.

And another shot - not my calorie burn, but my 12 year old son Tyler is has also caught the fitness bug.  He is also working on eating healthier and he keeps asking, "Is this healthy?" before he eats anything right now. Love it!

My other goals for the year are here - if you want to help keep me accountable :)


  1. Yay! So glad you have joined. The treadmill could be a photo of my goal as well. Each month, I plan to put a "Goal check" as one of the themes. Maybe this will help keep us accountable. :)

    1. Great idea! I find it is easier to reach my goals when I have some accountability. Thank you again for the project idea!

  2. Kelly,
    Welcome to the #edugood group! I'm excited to be part of it. I have fitness and eating goals too, along with the reading goal I took a picture of today. Best wishes for a fun year of looking for the good!


  3. I love the Looking for the Good idea.
    Good luck with the treadmill (that's on my to do list as well)

    rubberboots and elf shoes
