Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thanksgiving Gift Card Giveaway!

Thanksgiving is a great time to show appreciation and a few of my favorite blogs have gotten together sponsor a "Thanksgiving Thank You- Gift Card Give Away"  

They will each be sending the winner a $20.00 gift card.  Here is what the winner will receive:

Teresa at Fun in K-1 will be giving away a $20.00 Gift Card to Target. 
Fun in K/1

Cindy at Granny Goes to School will be giving away a $20.00 Gift Card to Old Navy.

Rikki at  The Hive will be giving away a $20.00 Gift Card to MAC Cosmetics.

Megan at Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade is giving away a $20.00 Gift Card to The Limited.
Mrs Wheelers First Grade

Ash at Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks is giving away a $20.00 Gift Card to Target

 The Teacher Wife

Head over to Granny Goes to School to enter now!

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