Sunday, July 15, 2012

Award - Liebster Blog

I was honored to be nominated for the Liebster Blog award by Emily at 2nd grade Mon-"Stars"! which made me happy because I love her blog and I was happy that she noticed little ol' me!  

I was also nominated for this award by Kaitlyn from Smiles and Sunshine.

This award highlights blogs that have under 200 followers. Here are the rules for it:
1. Copy and paste this award on your blog.
2. Thank the giver and link back to them.
3. Reveal 5 other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blog.

I am happily awarding the Liebster Blog Award to:

5. The Resourceful Apple (because we have the same taste in classroom decor! LOL!)

Go visit these amazing blogs!


  1. Kelly, Thank you so much for the award! Since it has been summer and all I have been doing schoolwise is sort and pack and toss and clean, I haven't been posting. Hopefully I will get my creative hat on soon and come up with interesting things to post about! Thank you again!
    An Open Door

  2. Thank you so very much for thinking about me! :) Super honored!

    Reaching for the TOP!

  3. Thnaks so much for this award:) Its always so exciting to share with others and to watch your followers grow!

    The Resourceful Apple

  4. Thank you for nominating me!! You rock :)

    Rock and Teach
