Because of Veterans Day, this next week will be short of course, but it will be even shorter for me since I am taking the GRE on Wednesday! And although I should be working on sub plans as we speak, I am blogging instead! LOL!
Daily 5 (Reading and Writing Mini-Lessons)
We are finishing up our poetry unit and will continue to work on reading Love that Dog and using mentor texts to write our own poems. I will be posting more about this later on this week and next week, but I am loving how their work is turning out! My reluctant writers are turning into poets!
This week begins our division unit. Most of my kiddos are still struggling with the concept of division and their basic division facts, so this week will be an extensive review before we dive into the processes of long division. I just started small math group instruction two weeks ago and I am LOVING it. I really loved when one of my struggling kiddos said, "The best part of math rotations is working with the teacher!" (My other rotations are seat work and games). I feel like I can really give each student what they need and ALL of my students are making progress instead of just a few. One of the games I will be adding to the rotations this week is this division bump freebie game from Games 4 Learning.
Social Studies
We will continue learning about the Pony Express. We had a re-enactment done a few weeks ago sharing letters from our school to another local elementary school which the kids loved! We have been reading a few pages of this book everyday.
We will then start learning about Native Americans in our state.
This week starts our unit on systems of the human body.
Seems like an awful lot to cover in a short week, but somehow we will make it all work!