Thursday, June 28, 2012


I have been up until now a 7th grade math teacher - and honestly I love it!  The only thing that I did not love was my commute - my school was about 40 miles from my house.  My boys were in a different school district and I really wanted to be closer to them during the day, so when I had the opportunity to interview in the district near my home I jumped for it.

Well... I was offered a position right on the spot during my interview!  The position is at an elementary school and will be third  grade.  The principal said he will let me know after he fills the other position where he wants to put me - he just wants to make sure I am in a tested grade.

I am a little nervous as this summer will be spent completely starting over with lesson plans, but I am excited for the challenge.  I did my student teaching in 4th grade, and I home schooled my older three boys for a good portion of their elementary years, so it is not completely uncharted territory.

I have been blog stalking, pinning, reading, note taking and in general soaking in everything I can learn about elementary teaching.  I will be blogging along my journey, and will hopefully be able to inspire you along the way as I have been inspired myself.